Joe -

I tried to read the original article, but it seems I've exceeded my 10 free articles for the month and need to sign up for a subscription. I'm literally holding my $6.00 paper copy of today's NYT of course... and they don't OFFER home delivery where I live (I've tried, they always botch it).

That whine out of my system, I have been spammed by e-mails for well over a year with Trump's name in the subject line... they are *mostly* oblique... not direct appeals, but rather gobbledeygook like "THIS is the personal defense tool Trumps Bodyguards carry!", etc. The very few messages with Hillary's name in the subject line were blatant smears against her, but they comprised less than 10% of that junk. I rarely open any of those messages and I think I can say that I *never* followed any links from them. They were just such blatant horseshit. Of course, the net effect on my contrarian self was to be way OVER him long before I suppose some other self-ascribed anarcho-libertarians might have been.

I got a modest amount of high-signal/noise Bernie mail and since I signed up for Jill and Gary, got a slightly higher volume of relatively high signal/noise mail from that quarter too. I don't think I saw a single piece of smear aimed at any of those three, either directly or by allusion.

I'm afraid that MANY do respond to this class of junk-mail... simple name recognition? Trump started with pretty high name recognition and the media just pumped his name continuously. Not to mention all of US whining and sneering his name out over and over and over.

I don't care for *any* automated swaying of the vote, even if what seems to be purveyed is (pro?)information? One blokes pro-information is another's mis-information I fear. "Push" media is just the wrong mechanism (IMO) for this kind of stuff. But then maybe our pop culture has us SO broken and bent that we *can't* handle using *pull* media? Everything needs to come to us in a stream whether we ask for it or not?

Just sayin'

- Steve

Not sure that is possible. But I would be happy with identifying and responding in real time.. Not thrilled to think the elections here and elsewhere are swayed by automated misinformation..


On 11/20/16 12:49 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

"[..] with a bit of [artificial] intelligence and rudimentary communication skills"

Right tool for that job.. But how do you build an army of bots that can enlighten instead of just confuse?



*From:*Friam <> on behalf of Joe Spinden <>
*Sent:* Sunday, November 20, 2016 11:12:04 AM
*To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
*Subject:* [FRIAM] Automated Pro-Trump Bots Overwhelmed Pro-Clinton Messages, Researchers Say

For discussion ??:


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