I suspect what dad (Owen) is refering to is this thing floating aroud
moveon.org and asking what the point of popular votes is when the
electroral college may (or may not) reflect what you and I voted on.
In other words they are infurated:
-Trump who is arguable not mentally stable enough to be president (fair
-Bernie got shafted by the electoral colledge system. Though him helping
his own cause or not is a reasable question
-a handfull of ballot measure to legally research pot have been shot down
by the electoral college system as well going back to California Prop 210
and 217 IIRC that was just ("just" ) to give schools the green light to
research pot: energy use, clothing, and yes even possible recreactional or
medical issues. IIRC they were over ruled by calififnias supreme court 10
months laster on the grounds the electoral college didn't aprove them.

So now their's a movement to revert back to a Socialist Reublic by
essentially working around the Electoral College (sort of). On the grounds
that each is a different type of vote and should have a sanity check for
the other.
So for really big issues like lets just say it: the Nixons, the Bush (jr)
and Regans and now Drumpf as presidents where they just are not sane enough
to do so (for example) Vote again? What did the popular (state ) vote say?
And does this have to have a consitutional amendment or a will simple act?
Is it even possible to go back to a Rosevelt (1 and 2) style government?

I simply do not know enough about polotics and suspect it's passed time to
say no polotics on hollidays!

On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 1:16 PM, Russ Abbott <russ.abb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> They're all blue states. We will need some red states as well.
> On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 12:02 PM Gary Schiltz <g...@naturesvisualarts.com>
> wrote:
>> I don't see the current system as being broken.
>> On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 2:34 PM Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net>
>> wrote:
>> Seems like this is more widespread than I had thought:
>> Here’s how to do it: states can decide how they award their electoral
>> vote, so if enough require their electors to vote for the winner of the
>> nationwide popular vote (instead of who won in that state,) it would fix
>> the problems of the Electoral College without needing to amend the
>> Constitution.
>> http://www.commoncause.org/take-action/act/fix-the-
>> broken-electoral-college-national-popular-vote.html
>> ​They go on to say it's not as far off as you might think:
>> ​
>> This National Popular Vote compact wouldn’t take effect until enough
>> states joined in, but we’re closer to that than you might think -- ten
>> states (California, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey,
>> New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington) and the District of Columbia
>> have already signed on, totaling 165 electoral votes of the needed 270.
>> On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 12:15 PM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net>
>> wrote:
>> A friend visiting from Seattle mentioned a meme floating around there
>> could give popular vote over electoral college w/o constitutional amendment.
>> It would take enough states whose electoral vote sum would be greater
>> than 270. They would then have their electors vote the popular vote.
>> As nutty as it seems, it would work and likely be much easier than a
>> constitutional amendment.
>>    -- Owen
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