
I heard about this effort on the Amy Goodman show.  The Ploughshares fund
is the group circulating the petition.

Here's a link to the story:

Here's a link to the petition:



On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 1:20 PM, Nick Thompson <>

> Hi, everybody,
> At Friday’s gathering, one of the things we discussed was that Trump’s
> accession, given his impulsiveness, could easily lead to a nuclear war.
> The readiness level of the US nuclear “deterrent” currently allows 4
> minutes between determining that an enemy attack is in progress and US
> launch.  Because of the submarine fleet, this level of hair-trigger
> readiness is totally unnecessary, even if one buys into all the assumptions
> of US nuclear doctrine.
> I am frightened for myself, my family, and grandchildren.  I think Trump
> is crazy enough to imagine a future in which he and his “unbelievably
> beautiful” women live out a life of luxury in a bunker somewhere, while the
> rest of us … well, you know, “Sacrifices had to be made to preserve our way
> of life”.  Obama has the power increase the threshold to hours or even days
> before leaving office.  I had understood that there was a concerted effort
> to get him to do so, but when I went to the net to find it, I could not.
> To my surprise,  the Union of Concerned Scientists seems to be totally
> mellow about the situation, suggesting only that Obama negotiate away some
> of our backup nukes before his term expires, leaving everything else mostly
> in place.
> Are any of you aware of such an effort?  Can you provide me with details?
> Nick
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
> Clark University
> ============================================================
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