Can I politely ask that those who want to keep track of america's
infurating polotical mess agree to email eachother.
The topic quite litterally leads me to have migranes about BS I have very
little say in. I suspect others might be the same.

On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 9:17 AM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:

> From NYTimes:
> *• Senate hearing on Russian hacking.*
> The Armed Services Committee, led by Senator John McCain, will receive
> testimony from intelligence officials today on “foreign cyberthreats to the
> United States.”
> Here’s what to watch for.
> <>
>  We’ll
> be providing live updates.
> The proceedings come as President-elect Donald J. Trump and the WikiLeaks
> founder Julian Assange
> <>
>  forged
> an unlikely alliance, uniting against the idea that Russia hacked emails to
> influence the U.S. presidential election.
> ============================================================
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