Steve: You might like the RedNeck Liberal.

His line: "being prejudiced against poor white poeple with a twang, still counts as prejudiced" hits home.

I might identify with "country" but not with "southern". I hear the voices of my relatives from KY and TN and all I can think of is "ignorant, racist whackjob!" but half of them are none of that and of the other half, only a few are racist and a few more are ignorant (though the former is a proper subset of the latter).

I identify more with a mixed culture of hispanic, native and anglo (not just this area but other parts of NM/AZ) from the mountains and deserts of the rocky mountain region. I think the isolation of rural living combined with the *extractive industy* is the main problem. Rust Belters and modern farmers every where seem pretty similar as well!

- Steve

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