I have enough "Trumpian" friends to know that without exception they have tried to frame this response as an attempt to undermine "the peaceful transition of power".

I throw two things squarely in their face:

1. Donald said he would accept the outcome of the election ONLY if he
   won.  This isn't about Hillary's loss, it is about Donalds win.
2. If he had lost, the demonstrators in the street would be gun-toting
   "open-carry" types and his biker gang "wall of meat" instead of
   (mostly) peaceful women (and men and children).

Their response is usually just blustery bluff... "woofa woofa".

On 1/21/17 6:41 PM, Russ Abbott wrote:
Same in LA. Lots of both women and men.

On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 3:14 PM Marcus Daniels <mar...@snoutfarm.com <mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:

    *Jochen wrote:*


    *“*On CNN I saw mainly women.”

    Even in the sleepy little town of Santa Fe, the streets were
    packed with demonstrators.  Of course, women of many ethnicities
    -- some of them were infirm and shouldn’t have been out in the
wind and snow. Lots of men, young adults, and children too. Police were courteous and helpful. Civilization is still holding
    on in the City Different.


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