On 01/24/2017 02:01 PM, Pamela McCorduck wrote:
> I’d need to know which part of Biblical morality we’re talking about.

I agree.  I like the Jefferson Bible, wherein TJ tried to extract Jesus' 
teachings from the rest of the hooha in the Bible.  I think those teachings 
_might_ cohere as a standalone work.  But most of the Christians I have 
experience with don't really focus on Jesus.  They tend to like the Psalms, 
Revelations, etc.  So, it's unclear how/if we can pull out the stuff they find 
attractive and have it cohere.

> On 01/24/2017 10:52 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
>> Can the yummy parts arise as a result of a small set of principles 
>> consistent with empirical facts?   If so, they could be presented in the 
>> usual prescriptive ways for this kind of audience, and then maybe life could 
>> go on without unpleasant extinction events and that sort of thing.

My favorite mathematician Raymond Smullyan has written a few books on religion 
that talk quite a bit about Christianity.  He seemed to suggest that it's 
overall a decent system _if_ you get rid of the concept of Hell.  And I think 
Hitchens used to identify Hell as the most abhorrent thing about it.

☣ glen

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