Glen writes:

< I don't think Trumpism is caused even slightly by too many people wanting to 
_drive_ the tractor.  I think it's caused by a decoupling of 
words/understanding from action.  >

I meant on the left.   Progressives wanted a progress story rather than 
attending to the danger of regression.   Result, bad turnout.  Bernie or bust, 

On the main topic, it seems to me that if we view individuals as bit strings 
(e.g. control programs + individual and cultural data), then it is easy to see 
that a composition function of two bit strings yielding the same length bit 
string will have less information than a function that, say, appends the bit 
strings.    On the other hand if each bit string carries none of the content of 
the neighbors in the community, then the combined function will be fragile to 
failures of either individual.    And either individual will need some shared 
bits just to coordinate their union -- to show up at the church at the same 
time and hand out duties, say.


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