My (former) sister-in-law was a DNC organizer extra-ordinaire and when I was in Berkeley (05, 06) she came out to do a dozen things including showing up for a local Drinking Liberally meetup.

They happened to pick my favorite "biker bar" in SFo... "Zeitgeist" which catered equally to gnarly Harley riders and even gnarlier bike messengers. I'd been there many times so I asked her why they picked it, and she said it was he "hippest place" for her demographic.

Her demographic turned out to be mostly second-wave yuppies. They looked *totally * out of place in their Izod shirts and slacks and loafers, but there were enough of them to make their own bubble and the staff worked hard to make them comfortable.

I'd love to see a "Gnarly Bikers against Trump" rally.

On 3/14/17 1:08 PM, glen ☣ wrote:
Aha!  Thanks for that reminder.  I totally forgot about our local DL group(s).  
The local groups were large under BushII ... I bet we'll have trouble finding 
venues under the Cheeto Jesus.  I'll look more like a liberal with him in the 
white house, too. >8^D

On 03/14/2017 12:03 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:
I know that not all of you are liberals, and even fewer are willing to admit 
it, but I thought you might like to know that this group has been rekindled.  A 
chance to discuss your feelings about our Contemporary Nero: He who tweets 
while Rome Burns.   Or was that Caligula?  I can never keep them straight.

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