Other than mice their's Cayotes, Possumes or Racoons. Years ago One had
found it's way into my garbage bin. I have no idea how it openned the lid,
and tried to find scraps of food. I found in the morning before work, just
as I was putting a bag into the thing. It looked pretty proud of it self.
One of the people that lives in the ally behind the house used to make a
bit of money chasing them away or caching them.
In my case I just left it to sleep in their. Fortately the animal helping
folks at the time were pros with these things and had some amusingly simple
(and kind of fun) ways to deel with it. Get a cheep and small pizza  leave
crumbs to it away from the house and it might go for the (easy) to get
food, then close the lid. so it won't try to to back.

I also had (briefly) a possum  snoring in the chimney. That was one of the
years when it dumped a bunch of snow. I have no idea how on earth it got
into it, muchless get a way to sleep.I put screen for fires so it wouldn't
try to go foraging in the house. Just left it their. For What It's Worth
the animal guys were pretty sure it was lost and trying to find a place to
sleep or hybernate. and it'd probably eventually leave to get food. Well if
it cant get into the house it'll have to leave how it came. Rob had
basically a simillar problem a few times. I Just left the screen so it
can't get into the house.

Then their was the batS that decided the vega's (in the house) were clearly
Bat Friendly...momy and dady bat thought happly slept (upside down) from
the ceiling. I don't know where the kid was They didn't do much but look at
me like was bonkers. I carefully put blankets around the bathroom. Hoping
they'd hear (sonar) or see (their poor sight)  a wall and go someplace
else. Sufficed to say by the time Animal Help came I guess mom found Jr.
and their was now three bats. Possibly fruit bats that were after masquitos
or stuff from the trees and thought my room was a great place to sleep.

Animal help put all three in a bucket. They didn't think they had plague or
rabie, they were possibly sick with something else, and would want to find
out.  They checked to make sure they didn't leave a mess behind, but just
in case left yellow/white powder around the floor to sweep up  the next day.

I do have some landminds (micetraps) both the deadly and a few not deadly
kind to deel with mice. Amusingly those are much more of anissue than the
other animals here as they get into almost anything, carry plague and
hunters virus. The field mice we have here are not the (relatively)
friendlyish roof or house mice. common to arizona and california. FWIW pest
control claims it's far better to trap a few and blow up others because
they come in packs, their not a direct threat to humans the bugs they cary
though are. plus as I found out they love human scraps and will litterally
get into anything not nailed shut.
After the big problem I ocasionally find some in the traps. wich is
a...unusual sight at 4am I

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 12:16 PM, <lrudo...@meganet.net> wrote:

> I regularly caught skunks in our  Hav-a-Hart trap (bought and intended for
> woodchucks).
> Never attached a long (or short) cord to the release mechanism, but I
> always opened the cage
> wearing a bathing suit (or less).  One time, the damned skunk really
> didn't want to leave; I
> think it was about to become a mother, but for whatever reason, it had
> spent the night
> carefully tearing up dried grass from underneath the cage and making a
> nice little nest for
> itself.  Eventually I cautiously tilted the closed end of the trap up and
> evenually the
> inhabitant found the angle uncomfortable enough to walk out the closed
> end.  At which point I
> ran back to the house.  But no spraying happened, nor was the nest
> reinhabited.
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