There's a Quinn Norton article on Medium about falling in love without
leaving a digital trail, and then finding out that the state wants your
digital trail to verify the relationship before granting resident status.

-- rec --

On Apr 12, 2017 8:04 PM, "Marcus Daniels" <> wrote:

> Glen write:
> < More on topic, it's these signals, these symbols, like which sites to
> which you encrypt your visits or UDP vs TCP that tell us everything we need
> to know about you. >
> I guess if "everything we need to know" is that social behavior measurable
> over narrow windows of time.   If, as you say, Snowden is a `dork', then it
> should have been a simple matter to predict his behavior and stop it.   But
> it is not so simple because people don't reveal themselves in such overt
> ways.   They may only reveal some dimensions and those dimensions may to a
> significant extent just be performance.
> Marcus
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