I am visiting my daughter and her partner in Denver right now who are fitness/nutrition enthusiasts. They are very big into Ketosis-triggering diets for brain-healing, obesity reduction and in some cases even Diabetes relief.

We talked hours on it last night. Fascinating. I'm not quite ready to prescribe it to the world, but a Carb-Fast might not be a bad experiment. I have watched two old men go down form AlZ... if ketosis can prevent that, I'm game.

On 4/26/17 11:18 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
Steve writes:

< In the example at hand of the Sugar Tax,  we have already become
unhealthy, obese (well some of us) refined-sugar addicts partly because
our genome evolved to be greedy for rich sources of energy and partly
because we evolved a consumerist economy which seeks to exploit any and
every significant "weakness" such as this. >

Perhaps what is needed is a better understanding of what knobs to turn.


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