I wish I had a copy of LANL's first "home" page... modeled vaguely on TBLs page of which www.lanl.gov and xxx.lanl.gov showed up around #50 in his links out at that time. It looked a lot like this. The wayback machine seems only able to cough up things back to a year or two later after I'd gotten *most of* the stakeholders at LANL to at least *think about* what the relevance of their charter was to the Web (or vice-versa).

Go Cosma!

On 6/5/17 3:06 PM, glen ☣ wrote:
This is what a web page should look like: http://bactra.org/

On 06/05/2017 02:03 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
Well, I for one hate Confluence (and similar things).    Before I could construct a page 
with some constructed HTML and generated linked files.  Now it is some dorky plug-in 
protocol that adds no particular value.   All for the sake of taking information out of 
my hands and putting in "that main place".    Damned kids running around.

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