Ha!  I was going to respond to the playground bullying tactic of double dog 
dares with a request for some clinical trial data.  But, to be honest, I'm 
biased toward Thomas Szasz' perspective and would probably never read Kohut's 
book, anyway. 8^)

On 06/08/2017 06:18 AM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> Clarification: the book is 45 years old and is available online as a PDF
> file.  It's hard to read without a lot of background in the field.
> Psychiatric residents who used to read it often felt they had the disorder
> even if they didn't.  I apologize for the snarky suggestion that you read
> it.
> On Jun 7, 2017 10:06 PM, "Frank Wimberly" <wimber...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you want to see how NPD is amenable to type 2 treatment see "Analysis
>> of the Self" by Kohut. I dare you.
>>> I think we have 2 types
>>> of recursion: 1) communicative, as Frank (probably) tried to point out to
>>> me before, and 2) phenomenological.


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