Gil -

Thanks for the reference to Anonymous@YouTube. You can tell I'm an old fogey by my irritable reaction to the style of their videos. I felt like it was created by/for Max Headroom!

I HAVE watched one or two before (over a year ago?) with the same reaction. I have a natural (Ithink) mixed reaction to their bluff/threats... what was that about contacting people in Lagos, Nigeria? I didn't think Anonymous were prone to threatening IRL violence, but rather stayed with what I think of as "targeted vandalism" in cyberspace?

I'm also (still) confused about how there can ever be a single true voice for such a by-definition amorphous and distributed and ultimately defined only by self-definition group? Some aspects of their nature/behaviour feels a bit too much like the alt.right they are (in this moment) going up against.

- Steve

On 8/18/17 2:02 PM, Gillian Densmore wrote
Anonymous has been posting videos on youtube sugesting people put aside the petty bickering. Making sugestion what things people can do to empower themselves. Their current call to arms is about (weirdly) love and joy and getting rid of washinton as it currently is and try for something like a Sociliast Republic/Technorocracy. They're pretty tired of the sheer rage coming in and out of washington if the videos are anything to go by.

On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 12:22 PM, Marcus Daniels < <>> wrote:

    “While I feel very nervous about Twitter shutting down theDonald's
    personal account
    so cavalierly, I can imagine how devastating it would be to his
    ego to not be able to
    blurt out his nonsense at all times of the day or night without
    benefit of counsel by
    his (admittedly highly flawed) inner circle/counsel. Moving the
    same blurts to @POTUS
    might be all it would achieve, which might enhance the absurdity
    yet more?”

    While I like the idea of his continued self-sabotage, his
    pronouncements probably keep a part of the base stoked.

    If his accounts were to go away, those folks might not have the
    initiative to replace that outlet with another.   And then they
    could get back to torturing animals or whatever it is they do all day.

    The ACLU new policy to not support armed groups seems like a good
    step.   There are other groups like the SPLC that can tackle the
    haters.   I hope that if his rhetoric continues this way, and he
    repeatedly violates their terms of services, that they do shut him
    down completely.  He can go on Fox and Friends or something.


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