(laughing) Only if it can be Quantum-Fied---so does this meen somehow coffe
makers, socks, dustbunnes and hangers have weird energy string? My brain
hurts considering that.
A small spirte makes the coffee, hands it to a quick dwarf that takes a
sock as a prank Lord Terry Pratchet from Vallhala is probably amused

On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 11:05 AM, Barry MacKichan <
barry.mackic...@mackichan.com> wrote:

> That’s a quantum effect, right?
> --Barry
> On 19 Sep 2017, at 19:57, Steven A Smith wrote:
> PS.  a more whimsical answer is that you can probably expect to find the
>> extra coffee in your laundry from time to time and some mismatched socks in
>> your coffeemaker somewhere down the line!
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