Hey, don't hold back, Sabine.


On Nov 5, 2017 11:09, "┣glen┫" <geprope...@gmail.com> wrote:

> OK.  So, I  hear you saying (please correct me!) that you do see a
> similarity in all 3 (England, Smolin, and Marletto) up to their attempts to
> find a non-teleological explanation for the structures to which we tend to
> ascribe teleology (teleonomic).  You're right that I agree up to that point.
> But what I was looking for was a deeper similarity: the core concept of
> all 3 is that the answer should be found by examining the space of possible
> states surrounding any given system.  In 2 of them (England and Smolin),
> the proposal is entropy maximization.  In the 3rd (Marletto), the proposal
> is less constructive, but still focused on the circumscribed set of states
> or distributions of those states.  In your prior post, you posited that
> Marletto might be more closely aligned with England, but England *contra*
> Smolin.  My response was that Smolin seems to be saying much the same thing
> as England.  So, if Marletto is consistent with England, then Marletto
> might also be consistent with Smolin.  And my stronger assertion is that
> England does not seem to contradict Smolin.
> If, in Marletto, we set the "recipe" to entropy maximization, then all 3
> seem quite consistent.  What am I missing?
> On 11/03/2017 01:27 PM, Robert Wall wrote:
> > Hi Glen, et al.,
> >
> >     I'd *love* it if you (or anyone) would argue with me and help me
> refine my thinking or, better yet, change my mind and be able to explain
> how Smolin, England, and Deutsch/Marletto are fundamentally different!
> >
> >
> > I'll give it an equally feeble try. 😋 Actually, I see these three
> scientists as "groping" at something fundamentally the same: "How can the
> /appearance /of design emerge (in biology) in a no-design (in physics)
> universe?"  Well, something like that.  So, this joint concern seems (to
> me) to fall out naturally from the previous discussion concerning
> *teleonomy *or even *purpose*.--the former being an explanation (or
> description? See later discussion below.) or processes without *intention
> *and the later implying intentionality of a "maker" or "efficient cause."
> >
> > *Constructor Theory*, which could have been better described by
> Marletto, IMHO, provokes the idea of constraints and "recipes," both being
> emergent properties consistent with a Newtonian view of the universe as a
> physical system that "began" with initial conditions (constraints) and laws
> of motion--notwithstanding /how /it began. Through the interaction of
> emergent particles as the universe evolved, new constraints emerged and
> interacted to cause the emergence of even more constraints. One commenter
> did a pretty good job to help Marletto along with the explanation;
> Summarized:
> >
> >     Without constraints, there would be a vast sea of undifferentiated
> and unlimited potential outcomes, but nothing would ever emerge to become
> ‘reality’
> >     ​ ...
> >
> >
> >
> >     Yet where anything is possible, it is possible for a simple
> constraint to emerge. And as several constraints emerge and interact, they
> start to force ‘things’ to ‘behave’ in a certain way, rather than being
> equally spread across every possibility
> >     ​ ...
> >
> >
> >
> >      Within that reality, new types of more directly ‘constructive’
> constraints can emerge. Perhaps a particular molecular structure, which
> having occurred enables other types of reactions that were previously
> highly unlikely.  And each of these changes the probability curves,
> increasing the likelihood that a next-stage constraint will eventually
> emerge, shaping and ‘constructing’ the stuff around it, further changing
> and channelling the possible outcomes, and setting the groundwork which
> will enable yet more complex ‘constructors’ (and ‘constructeds’) to
> emerge.  Eventually, these constraints/constructors shape reality to such
> an extent that very highly complex outcomes which “should” be utterly
> inconceivable in a pure-possibility-laws-model of probability are instead
> absolutely inevitable. We see many examples: simple life emerges, radically
> changing the behaviour of molecular interactions; eventually a new
> ‘constructor’ emerges that enables complex life, which
> >     fundamentally changes how these organisms interact; complex life
> itself enables the development of specialised organs that provide sensory
> and motor and intra-cellular communications functionality; sentient, motile
> life enables the development of purposive behaviour and (potentially) basic
> consciousness; etc.
> >     ​ ...​
> >
> >
> >
> >     At each stage, a new step - however infinitely unlikely before -
> becomes possible. Where will it end? Who knows, we seem to be only 13.8
> billion years into the process, with probably several trillion to go. Each
> successive major development step seems to accelerate the capability and
> complexity of the emerging system by several magnitudes. Effectively, it
> really does look as though absolutely nothing is forever impossible (unless
> it contravenes the laws of physics, and even then … maybe we - or something
> down the line, at any rate - can eventually change them, creating another
> universe entirely?)"
> >
> >
> > *Jeremy England*'s /New Physics of Life/ is really an attempt to explain
> how life emerging from inert matter was inevitable. I have read the same
> conclusion somewhere (?) <http://nautil.us/issue/20/
> creativity/the-strange-inevitability-of-evolution> for the inevitability
> (and the remarkability) of the emergence of eukaryote life from prokaryote
> life ... I think I remember Nick Lane as saying it was a one-off
> (anyone?).  I seem to remember this because it caused immediate cognizant
> dissonance within my own mind. Anyway, Constructor Theory would say that it
> was certainly possible, which seems tautological at this point.  England's
> Theory should resonate with students of complexity science and anyone
> interested in Nobel-Prize-winning physical chemist Ilya Prigogine views
> derived from the Second Law of Thermodynamics and self-organizing
> dissipative structures (or physicist Erwin Schrödinger's 1944 book "What is
> Life?").  All of these, including Constructor Theory, are attempts at
> > explaining the emergence of biological entities from the perspective of
> physics and self-organizing systems. A universal metabolism of sorts? Grand
> homeostasis?  Heraclitus' /Logos/?
> >
> > *Lee Smolin*, if you follow all of his work, sees physics as largely
> being stalled and in trouble.  I tend to agree with this lament, especially
> with the rise of String Theory as some kind of Grand Unification Theory or
> Theory of Everything that is largely unfalsifiable and unpredictive.
> Physicist Lisa Randall also seems to think that such a theory hardly
> explains life <https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21729000.300-a-
> theory-of-everything-wont-provide-all-the-answers/>, for example. In the
> current context, Smolin has taken the theory of evolution to the level of
> cosmology in explaining how the initial conditions of the universe--the
> "tuned" parameters--became what they were--so filling in what Constructor
> Theory leaves out.  However, Smolin seems to also channel Heraclitus (and
> Henri Bergson and Alfred North Whitehead) where he sees no permanence in
> nature ... even with the laws of physics. Everything is a process
> (goal-directed? ... this is where it gets interesting.).
> > And, there is (explained) both variability and replication in his
> Cosmological Natural Selection Theory, just as we see at the level of
> biology.
> >
> >     it's important to avoid putting the cart before the horse.  It's not
> that the universe is tailored to produce life.  It's that the universe is
> what it is and life-like systems just happen to be a very likely outcome in
> this universe.
> >
> >
> > This concern brings us back to the issue of teleonomy and the rise of
> apparent design in a universe that exhibits a no-design physics. Unless one
> believes in Intelligent Design--the model underlying religion--or
> Aristotle's efficient cause (a force outside of the system) and final cause
> (intention or goal) model--the model underlying pre-19th century science <
> https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/was-aristotle-an-
> advancement-in-western-science.818947/>--for where the universe is going
> then I think you, Smolin, England, Deutsch, and I are on the same page.
> Teleonomy was a term invented by Colin Pittendrigh in 1958 "to free that
> study [of goal-directed processes] from the encumbrances of /teleological
> /explanations ["The Misappropriation of Teleonomy <
> https://www.researchgate.net/publication/302329059_The_
> Misappropriation_of_Teleonomy>," Nicholas S. Thompson, 1987]."
> >
> > This is interesting in the context of the Constructor Theory idea of a
> "recipe."  Also, Jacques Monod in his /Chance and Necessity/ [1971] refined
> the idea of teleonomy in biology to preserve the scientific concept of
> objectivity in biology (and allow him to wax philosophical about apparent
> design in biology) that:
> >
> >     ... nevertheless obliges us to recognize the teleonomic character of
> living organisms, to admit that in their structure and performance they act
> projectively--realize and pursue a purpose.  Here therefore, at least in
> appearance, lies a profound epistemological contradiction.  In fact the
> central problem of biology lies with this very contradiction, which, if it
> is only apparent, must be resolved; or else proven to be utterly insoluble,
> if that should turn out indeed to be the case [Chater I, "Of Strange
> Objects," /Chance an Necessity/, pp 21-22].
> >
> >
> > Ernst Mayr, with the same concern as Monad and Pittendrigh, in (Mayr, E.
> (1974) “Teleological and Teleonomic: A New Analysis.” Boston Studies in the
> Philosophy of Science, Volume XIV, pages 91 -117) refined the definition of
> teleonomy <http://evolutionlist.blogspot.com/2006/04/
> teleological-and-teleonomic-newer.html> (original paper is behind a
> paywall).  Mayr introduces the idea of a "program," which would seem to be
> cognitively fungible with Contractor Theory's (digital) "recipe" (or "baked
> in knowledge").  Nick explains in "The Misappropriation of Teleonomy" that
> Mayr sees a program as the defining characteristic of teleonomic processes.
> But, Mayr sees evolution as obviously *not *such a teleonomic process as it
> is obviously *not *controlled by a program ... presumably, because it is
> obviously *not *goal-directed.  Nick seems perplexed, given Mayr's
> definition of teleonomic processes, as to why Mayr excludes evolution.
> But, I think the point Nick is making has more to do
> > with Mayr's circular reasoning. Nick sees teleonomy as a "/descriptive
> study of organizational properties of processes and structures without
> reference to any particular explanatory system./"  I think I agree with
> this, as teleonomy is a description of a feature of evolution and, thus,
> not a mechanism that begat (or explain the /how /of) that feature. [note:
> to be teleological, would be to describe the /why /(intention) of that
> feature ... thus, the concern.]
> >
> > So, fair enough.  But, could the emerging works of Smolin, but
> especially Deutsch|Marletto, and England be used to explain "How can
> the /appearance /of design emerge (in biology) in a no-design (in physics)
> universe?"  Constructor Theory seems to be trying to construct a bridge to
> span the knowledge gap between (no-design) physics and (teleonomic) biology:
> >
> >         Thinking within the prevailing conception has led some
> physicists – including the 1963 Nobel Prize-winner Eugene Wigner and the
> late US-born quantum physicist David Bohm – to conclude that the laws of
> physics must be tailored to produce biological adaptations in general. This
> is amazingly erroneous. If it were true, physical theories would have to be
> patched up with ‘design-bearing’ additions, in the initial conditions or
> the laws of motion, or both, and the whole explanatory content of Darwinian
> evolution would be lost.
> >
> >
> >
> >         So, how can we explain physically how replication and self
> reproduction are possible, given laws that contain no hidden designs, if
> the prevailing conception’s tools are inadequate?
> >
> >
> >
> >         By applying a new fundamental theory of physics: /constructor
> theory/.
> >
> >
> > So, to the list of Smolin, Deutsch|Marletto, and England, add Monad,
> Pittendrigh, and Mayr as pioneers in 'trying' to construct /explanatory
> /systems that can explain teleonomic processes in an unintentional
> universe.
> >
> > Well, that's enough for now. Lunch ...
> >
> > Again, (only) fun stuff to consider.  Hope it helps your review the
> "living systems as entropy maximizers" theme for another meeting.
> --
> ␦glen?
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