Hello, all, 


YEARS ago, when the College of Santa Fe was failing, I started a nonprofit
called the City University of Santa Fe which was designed to pull all the
educational resources of Santa Fe into one semi-formal organization, which,
at the very minimum, would keep everybody informed about what everybody else
was doing and maximally, might have provided temporary, volunteer,  faculty
to the College of Santa Fe during its time of stress.   It turns out that
you can set up a New Mexico non-profit for 25 dollars and ten bucks a year
thereafter.  Frank, and tom, and Mike Agar signed on as board members, I set
up a website, and then, essentially, nothing happened.   SFAUD took over
from CofSF and other organizations I contacted about the possible
communication function dismissed the idea out of hand.  AND I lost my
website and url, 


AT some point, Mike Agar asked to be let go.  As Tom, Frank, and I were
leaving a FRIAM meeting one day, I told them that we needed a replacement.
We puzzled on that problem for about ten steps before somebody who was
walking with us volunteered.  The problem is that I don't remember who that
person was!  


The reason this might become relevant again is, of course, that now the SF
University of Art and Design seems to be going down.  In any case I  can't
even shut the organization down unless I get the paper work in order and for
that I need another board member.  Was it you?  




Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University



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