Bah!  If you are, as I am, a post-modernist, explanatory power reduces to 
evocative power.  Whatever I can do to evoke a predictable response in the 
audience is adequate.  Although I count myself a fan of Wittgenstein's STFU 
approach, I can't deny the power of those who just never STFU. (Witness the 
interminable chants at the various pro-this, anti-that rallies.)  It's a kind 
of hypnosis ... a droning on and on until you win over your audience with tone 
and rhythm more so than content.

But w.r.t. Zweigneiderlassung, I'm currently enthralled with McShea and 
Brandon's concept of the ZFEL and "pure complexity", which (in my ignorance) 
disallows reliance on "branching" as a core concept.  Simple counting seems 
more appropriate, especially since that makes sense to most people.  I admit 
that McShea and Brandon seem to be relying fundamentally on some implicit 
spatial sense.  But perhaps that's OK in this context?

On 08/17/2018 03:21 PM, Robert Holmes wrote:
> I always call it the Zweigneiderlassung.
> On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 4:14 PM Frank Wimberly <> wrote:
>> The explanatory power of all words is limited.  See Wittgenstein.  Wovon
>> Mann nicht sprechen kann daruber muss Mann schweigen.

☣ uǝlƃ

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