Roger -

I think you made it up well, and it does apply.   I was surprised the
first time I discovered that the dendro of neural "branching" derived
from tree-structures.

I'm still puzzling over whether Glen has a deeper or more subtle
structure than the "mere"interpenetrating branching structures implied
say by capillaries, where the in/out flow is exchanged.  I am sensing
that there is something "special" about the interface between
hierarchical flows and diffusion systems?   The veins/arteries
deliver/remove blood but there is another type of exchange that goes on
in between which is more than diffusion which sort of implies homogenous

- Steve

On 8/18/18 11:15 PM, Roger Critchlow wrote:
> I hadn't thought of trees explicitly, I was working the branching
> geometries of neural dendrites and crystals.  But trees are a fine
> example as well, and the exemplar of the class of all tree
> structures.  / /I thought the branchedness of the blood flow into and
> out of the liver was the whole point of Glen's question.  Dendrometry
> in the abstract would be the study of branching structures to find
> where the branchedness is essential to the phenomena under study.  I
> thought I was making it up, maybe next time.
> -- rec --
> On Sat, Aug 18, 2018 at 11:28 AM Steven A Smith <
> <>> wrote:
>     Roger -
>     Interesting to introduce Dendrometry (tree growth) as _yet
>     another_ metaphorical target domain beyond the liquid flow,
>     erosion/sedimentation of rivers.
>     Is there something in tree (plants in general?) growth that is
>     specifically apt for this purpose?  Or were you perhaps using
>     Dendrometr(i)y in a more creative sense?  Referencing neural
>     growth/function/topology?  Dendodendritic and Axodendritic
>     synapses might be relevant?
>     Trees represent a more "intentional" transport system it would
>     seem than riverine systems, though if one includes the organic
>     aspects such as the bosque/etc. maybe not.
>     It doesn't seem (too?) unreasonable to imagine that the Liver (a
>     broad-purpose chemical synthesis factory?) has some
>     useful/interesting/relevant analogs in trees/plants?   While a
>     tree is nominally 3 dimensional, it is also nearly 1-dimensional
>     in the sense that the cross-section of the trunk(s), branches,
>     twigs, twiglets, etc are very similar and within them, they are
>     radially symmetric.  
>     I am wondering if "braided" branch/root systems like Banyan Vines
>     might offer some insight?
>     This is all probably too far afield for Glen's original question
>     but I can't help but wander a bit on this one?
>     - Steve
>     On 8/18/18 4:42 AM, Roger Critchlow wrote:
>>     Ah, the dendrometriy of the software must agree with those of the
>>     organ.
>>     Speaking of categorical imperatives, anyone trying to follow John
>>     Baez' online course in Applied Category Theory? 
>>     -- rec --
>>     On Sat, Aug 18, 2018 at 6:31 AM Stephen Guerin
>>     < <>> wrote:
>>         Also internal vertex/node or branch vertex/node
>>         On Sat, Aug 18, 2018, 12:29 PM Stephen Guerin
>>         <
>>         <>> wrote:
>>             Conflux is the the place where two rivers join. More
>>             generally in a directed acyclic graph I would say
>>             junction node or use the negative non-leaf nodes 
>>             On Sat, Aug 18, 2018, 12:09 PM Roger Critchlow
>>             < <>> wrote:
>>                 I was thinking dendrite -- which refers to branching
>>                 structures in crystals as well as neurons -- this
>>                 dawn, the proper portmanteau would then be dendrectic
>>                 or dendrexus.
>>                 -- rec -- 
>>                 On Sat, Aug 18, 2018 at 3:06 AM Jochen Fromm
>>                 < <>> wrote:
>>                     They say Germans have a word for everything
>>                     because we can chain words together like pearls
>>                     on a string. In German I would say
>>                     "Netzwerkverzweigung"
>>                     (network-branching/bifurcation) or
>>                     "Netzwerkverdichtung"
>>                     (network-consolidation/concentration). In one
>>                     case the density decreases, in the other case it
>>                     decreases. Something like that, but it is not a
>>                     perfect fit.  
>>                     - Jochen
>>                     -------- Original message --------
>>                     From: uǝlƃ ☣ <
>>                     <>>
>>                     Date: 8/17/18 19:47 (GMT+01:00)
>>                     To: FriAM <
>>                     <>>
>>                     Subject: [FRIAM] looking for a word
>>                     I need a word (or short phrase) to refer to the
>>                     portion of a network where the edges converge or
>>                     diverge (more than other parts of the network. 
>>                     Examples might be a river delta or the branching
>>                     (debranching?) of blood vessels or lungs. 
>>                     "Plexus" or "knot" don't work because they could
>>                     ambiguously refer to something like a tapestry or
>>                     ... well, a knot, where each thread remains
>>                     separate, but winds around other threads. 
>>                     Something close to "canalization" seems
>>                     appropriate. But I don't want to imply the
>>                     generation (or dissolution) of the thing.  E.g.
>>                     [arter|ang]iogenesis are not the type of words
>>                     I'm looking for.
>>                     There's got to be a good word for such, perhaps
>>                     from graph theory or "network theory".  Any help
>>                     will be rewarded by an IOU for a pint of beer. 8^)
>>                     -- 
>>                     ☣ uǝlƃ
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