On 11/14/18 12:07 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Well, there is a difference between accurately observing that life is some 
> way and recognizing it could be different.
> I posit it is hard for many adults to look in their metaphorical toolshed and 
> admit that was just what they had to accumulate.

I agree completely.  I've always considered myself *lucky*.  Perhaps I was 
biased because my dad used to repeat the mantra: "I'd rather be lucky than 
good."  And it's amazing how many "successful" people believe their "success" 
is due to their own efforts.  Similarly, it's amazing to see how many down on 
their luck people blame themselves for their situation.  It's most poignant now 
in drug addiction and how, now that *white* people are addicted to prescription 
drugs, we're all realizing how stupid the drug war is.

> It is easier to rationalize it is what they wanted for themselves and what is 
> best for everyone.   I posit that the difficulty in facing this kind of 
> disappointment tends to feed authoritarianism.   On the other hand, simple 
> fantasy (Whatever-ing) doesn't fix anything either.

But here, I think I disagree.  Role-playing is *always* useful and fixes many 
things.  But my disagreement probably depends on what you mean by "simple 
fantasy".  That seems loaded.

☣ uǝlƃ

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