
A model for the kind of enlightened discussion / social action of the type you 
might want to see put in place.

The Bellamy Clubs. Several thousand were formed in a loose confederation across 
the US — all inspired by Edward Bellamy's book (Science Fiction by the way), 
Looking Backward. They were a kind of socialist-utopian society.

I taught an honors course on "Utopian and Dystopian futures in literature and 
Film" with Edwards grandson, Michael Bellamy.


On Mon, Feb 10, 2020, at 7:00 PM, wrote:
> Glen, Marcus, 
> Thank you for your always surprising suggestions, for your thoughts 
> outside the box.  
> I confess to being attracted to the pristine hypocrisy of   
> Speaking of Thuggs, I wonder how many of you know about the Wide 
> Awakes.  These were a paramilitary organization that paraded in the 
> streets of Northern Cities for Lincoln during the 1860 election.  Black 
> capes and torches and staves.  Wikipedia has a lovely entry, 
> Here is their banner: 
> FRIAM mentalists should go for the slogan, "mind, eye" and the animal 
> behaviorists amongst should endorse the rampant ferrets.  
> It seems like a bad idea whose time has come 
> I wonder if the New Wide Awakes could become the youth organization of 
> the Lincoln Project (, that organization of 
> centrist republicans that has dedicated itself to electing an 
> anti-trump senate and president, even though, they concede, that 
> requires them to vigorously support democrats in the current cycle. 
> Nick
> Nicholas Thompson
> Emeritus Professor of Ethology and Psychology
> Clark University
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friam <> On Behalf Of u?l? ?
> Sent: Monday, February 10, 2020 9:04 AM
> To: FriAM <>
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Up and Out vs Down and in
> You've hidden the most important part of your question at the very 
> bottom: "in the next year". As always, the system contains feedback 
> loops. And each loop has its own speed. There are lots of things you 
> can do in the next year that won't show any impact *within* the year, 
> but may show impact beyond the year. If you're worried about the next 
> president, or the next, etc., then those are viable answers to your 
> question. There are *some* things you can do during the year that 
> *might* show impact within the year. But just as there's a temporal 
> scope to any action, there's also a *spatial* scope to any action. I'd 
> argue that the actions you might take this year that might show impact 
> within the year, will have limited spatial scope.
> So, I'll treat you like one of my clients and answer your question with 
> a question. 8^) What do you *want* to see happen within the year? And 
> your stated objective can't be vague like "reverse the authoritarian 
> pandemic". What does that even mean? No, you have to state a particular 
> and specific objective in order to answer my question.
> For example, one action *I* can take this year, that may show some 
> impact this year, but more likely in the coming decades, is to support 
>, which I'll be doing this evening. You already 
> have that option in Santa Fe, I think. Ideally, RCV should help protect 
> against either your worry of right-wing authoritarians or Dave's worry 
> of left-wing authoritarians.
> Another example from left field might be to help start/run an After 
> School Satan club <> near you. The 
> elevation of the Adversary is critical to fighting group-think of all 
> kinds. If your particular and specific objective is to make those 
> around you deeper thinkers, then that sort of action will have 
> immediate *and* long-term impact.
> Yet another answer is to join Antifa. Put on some body armor and 
> protect the [counter]protesters from the (actual) fascists roaming our 
> streets with guns, chains, and bats. (Contrary to Dave's conjecture 
> that left-wing fascism is more likely, we have self-described 
> right-wing fascists *actually* roaming our streets as we speak.) It 
> doesn't matter if you're old or fat. What matters is to put some active 
> MEAT between the fascists and the [couter]protesters. Or at least buy 
> an Iron Front bumper sticker. 8^)
> There are sooooo many possible actions. But without a particular and 
> specific objective, you're relegated to hand-wringing.
> On 2/8/20 9:04 PM, wrote:
> > I have a friend who reads a lot of history and thinks HARD about what 
> > he reads.  For months he has been reassuring me about the state of American 
> > democracy because, as he said, Trump wasn’t a well focused dictator like 
> > Hitler.  But I saw him last Monday and he asked me, with an air of genuine 
> > panic, “What do I do?”  The reason for his new panic was his realization 
> > that Hitler had not always been a focused dictator, but had been entrained, 
> > over his career, to play just those themes that would rouse the German 
> > people to War.  The impeachment process had convinced him that Trump was 
> > gradually developing the focus of a proper Hitler.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > So I passed the question he asked me onto the group on Friday.  “What 
> > do we do?”  What struck me was that many of us took the question to be, 
> > “where do we best escape to?”  Options included New Zealand, Costa Rica, 
> > Bermuda, Canada, Italy, etc.  These answers startled me, because, of 
> > course, the question I meant to be asking was, how do we use our 
> > considerable talent, skill, knowledge, resources, and technical knowhow to 
> > do everything in our power to reverse the authoritarian pandemic that is 
> > sweeping the world.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Now some of you, perhaps many, that we in any kind of an emergency, or even 
> > if we are, that there is anything we might do about it, or even that there 
> > is any particular reason to save American democracy.  I am happy to have 
> > that discussion, too.  However, from those of you who share my panic, I 
> > would love to hear suggestions about what I (and others) might do in the 
> > next year .
> > 
> --
> ☣ uǝlƃ
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