personally it is about not adding anymore oxygen to his corrupt flame

"he who shall not be named"

"orange swirl"


POTUS (reflect the office, not the person, except circumstantially)

On 3/24/20 10:16 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> I think some people are getting in the habit of using "he" to mean
> "The Idiot" to avoid 1) NSA keyword searches and 2) to generally to
> avoid recognizing his brand.
> Marcus
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Friam <> on behalf of Frank Wimberly
> <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 24, 2020 10:13 AM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> <>
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Choroquine-phosphate Death
> I thought he was referring to Trump.  Am I missing something?
> ---
> Frank C. Wimberly
> 505 670-9918
> Santa Fe, NM
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2020, 10:09 AM Michel Bloch <
> <>> wrote:
>     I don’t if Professor Raoult is right or not, but, for him, the
>     word « idiot » is inappropriate, you might use “character » or
>     “unusual” or
>     “bizarre”:
>     Amicalement
>     Michel Bloch
>     /
>     /06 80 57 3398/
>     *De :* Friam <
>     <>> *De la part de* Steven A Smith
>     *Envoyé :* mardi 24 mars 2020 16:27
>     *À :* <>
>     *Objet :* Re: [FRIAM] Choroquine-phosphate Death
>     On 3/24/20 8:56 AM, Prof David West wrote:
>         France is pushing chloroquine hard. A FriAMer has relatives there.
>         Just because the first person that told people about this was
>         an idiot does not make the information wrong.
>     He was far from the first, just the loudest/brashest.   He *would*
>     have us believe that he personally *discovered* this off-label
>     use...   but that IS how he rolls.. no surprises.
>     There is a presumed responsibility when you have a megaphone.  But
>     that is one of the broken norms for worse (and better).
>     The unintended consequences of his
>     mass-tweet/news-conference/rally announcements are sweeping.  I do
>     not believe he *intended* to cause a slam on the chloroquine
>     supply chain, nor for self-described self-reliant folks like the
>     AZ couple to run out and make a small/obvious but terminal mistake.
>         davew
>         On Tue, Mar 24, 2020, at 2:53 PM, Barry MacKichan wrote:
>             Elon Musk had a serious brush with malaria about 20 years
>             ago, and is evidently one of the insistent sources pushing
>             for chloroquine. Sorry, I don’t have references.
>             —Barry
>             On 24 Mar 2020, at 0:42, Steven A Smith wrote:
>                 My first reaction to this was:  THANK YOU DEAR LEADER!
>                 But, I don't know if we can attribute this kind of
>                 accident to POTUS45
>                 or not... my gut instinct is that his constant raving
>                 about it is what
>                 triggered these people to give it a whirl.
>                 I have one toe in the survivalist/prepper community
>                 and they are known
>                 for aquiring and stockpiling antibiotics sold for
>                 fish/aquariums.   All
>                 the major human antibiotics have fish equivalents
>                 FishMox and FishFlox
>                 for example.   There is much discussion/lore/wisdom in
>                 that community
>                 around which products/sources are actually
>                 pharmaceutical-grade and
>                 honest-dosage and well-regulated.   I didn't know of
>                 chloroquine 
>                 phosphate or it's use... they are saying "cleaning"
>                 but I think they
>                 mean disinfecting.  It sounds to me that the problem
>                 was dosage, not
>                 contamination, but the product they used may have been
>                 cut or mixed with
>                 something toxic to humans.
>                 I've a friend who lived in Ghana for years with Peace
>                 Corps who
>                 contracted malaria and was medicated with one of the
>                 chloroquine drugs. 
>                 He understood then (25 years ago) that it was the
>                 third world's
>                 "silver-bullet" and in his case it turned his symptoms
>                 around
>                 (life-threatening) in hours (on an IV).... his
>                 response to this
>                 prescription-from-POTUS is that the death rate in the
>                 third world could
>                 spike if the first world diverts their supply
>                 (probably coming from
>                 China?) abruptly for  our own use.  
>                 I also heard that patients depending on these
>                 chloroquines in the first
>                 world are already finding that the supplies are drying
>                 up and many
>                 cannot get their usual refills.   Doh!
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