Perhaps of interest.

Tom Johnson -
Institute for Analytic Journalism   --     Santa Fe, NM USA
505.577.6482(c)                                    505.473.9646(h)
*NM Foundation for Open Government* <>
*Check out It's The People's Data


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dorothy Bracey <>
Date: Mon, May 4, 2020 at 2:56 PM
Subject: Fwd: Join Us for an Online Salon Tomorrow: Viral Pandemics Past
and Present
To: Tom Johnson <>

I registered us both for this. You should get a confirming email, asking
you to register with the GoToWebinar
Dorothy H. Bracey -- Santa Fe, NM US

---------- Original Message ----------
From: School for Advanced Research <>
To: "Dorothy Bracey H. Bracey" <>
Date: May 4, 2020 at 8:01 AM
Subject: Join Us for an Online Salon Tomorrow: Viral Pandemics Past and

[image: The School For Advanced Research]

*Online Salon: "From Smallpox to 1918 Flu to Coronavirus: Viral Pandemics
Past and Present" with Dr. Alan Swedlund*

*Tuesday, May 5 // 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (MDT) *

Please join us tomorrow, May 5, in an Online Salon with Dr. Alan Swedlund,
1995–96 SAR Weatherhead resident scholar and professor emeritus of
anthropology at the University of Massachusetts, who will be examining
viral pandemics past and present. From historic smallpox outbreaks to
1918’s Spanish influenza to the modern-day coronavirus, Swedlund – whose
primary areas of expertise include the history of health and disease,
epidemiology, demography, and the interrelation of culture and human health
– will discuss the origins of these three pandemics, and the profound
effects they had (or are having) on America. He will also examine what the
1918 Avian Flu can tell us about COVID-19 today. The author or co-editor of
eight books, Swedlund most recently co-edited *Beyond Germs: Exploration of
Indigenous Depopulation in North America*.

This online event is free and open to the public. Please consider making a
suggested donation to help us continue to offer remote programs like this


*Photo: Book cover Plagues and Epidemics: Infected Spaces Past and Present
edited by D. Ann Herring and Alan C. Swedlund, published by Berg
Publishers. *
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*SAR advances creative thought and innovative work in the social sciences,
humanities, and Native American arts.*
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