Glen, Eric,

I am enjoying how the conversation is developing. The celery
example strikes me as being important, but where Glen refers
to *scale* I would speak of *domain of definition*. That a shift in
domain happens to be size, rather than some other contextual
specification, may not be what we want. If this isn't the case
Glen, please let me know. With respect to Eric's points it seems
fair to me to say that a paddle wheel is behaving, but perhaps not
in the *larger* context of the river. The celery is behaving, but not
not in the *smaller* context of capillary action. Here I am using
the language of *large* and *small*, but perhaps other modalities
have a place as well. One can say Nick's behavior appears
spontaneously, but in fact was necessitated by something *prior*.
Here an *earlier* Nick could play the role of the river.

Would you say that the mind is as public as RSA encryption?
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