My daughter  chose (with my strong advice) to get her undergrad from
UCSC instead of UCB (accepted but the academic scholarships she was
offered would have left her with a $50K debt after 4 years).   She was
shooting for an MD at that point, and entering Med School with that kind
of debt seemed ridiculous...  she ended up doing a PhD at UNM (Molecular
Bio) with a fully funded GRA position instead of UCB (where she would
have incurred similar debts in SPITE of a GRA offer there also).  She
went into the workforce with $0 student debt very intentionally.  

She feels as well prepared as any of her peers (and more dedicated than
many) in her field (virology, flavi-virus specialty), yet feels mildly
excluded from some circles of IVY or neoIVY or ??? similarly elite
school alumni.   There is a good-ole-boys-and-girls club in her world
(or her apprehension of her world) which has her being treated as "less

Maybe this isn't real, or it is latent.   But she lives it viscerally,
especially during funding cycles.

On 5/29/20 4:37 PM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> The mean household assets of the 1% exceeds $10 million.  My wife and
> her brother both graduated from Harvard.  Their parents paid for their
> expenses out-of-pocket.  My in-laws were nowhere near the 1%.  My FIL
> was an attorney and a member of Governor Kerner's Human Rights
> Commission.  My wife's mother was a freelance writer who had published
> a couple of books and many articles in popular magazines.  Both my
> wife and my brother-in-law received excellent educations.  Yes, Nick,
> they were well-educated before they got to Harvard.
> Frank
> ---
> Frank C. Wimberly
> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
> Santa Fe, NM 87505
> 505 670-9918
> Santa Fe, NM
> On Fri, May 29, 2020, 9:08 AM Prof David West <
> <>> wrote:
>     Scott Galloway (professor at  Stern School of business and
>     supposed authority) on universities post COVID.
>     Fifty percent of the investment in prestige university education
>     is for 'certification' —  degree that signals your lifetime
>     earnings. The Harvard brand is strong enough that students will
>     accept an inferior educational experience. The fifty biggest
>     university brands, Harvard, Stanford, etc, will partner with tech
>     giants like Apple or Facebook to create a hybrid university, most
>     others will hollow out and die like the large department store
>     chains. Dorm life and in-person experience will be reserved for
>     children of the 1%.
>     Pretty bleak and a commentary on previous FRIAM conversations
>     about education and elite universities.
>     davew
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