Publishers are not good guys.

One counter example: CRC Press returned the copyright to a couple books in 
which I had chapters because there weren’t many sales and we were able to put 
our chapters online. The books had only been out a couple of years.

Pearson has violated by contract in a way that had little financial impact but 
really pissed me off. So what can I do? Suing them is not a realistic option.


Ed Angel

Founding Director, Art, Research, Technology and Science Laboratory (ARTS Lab)
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of New Mexico

1017 Sierra Pinon
Santa Fe, NM 87501
505-984-0136 (home)            
505-453-4944 (cell)                    

> On Jul 4, 2020, at 8:55 PM, Eric Charles <> 
> wrote:
> Nick said " the contract should explicitly say that rights revert to the 
> author when the publisher no longer maintains the book in print and promotes 
> it."
> I handwrote that into the contract for the book on New Realism (presumably 
> based on a suggestion from you). Alas, that's an almost nonsensical insertion 
> at this point. The company will maintain a website that lists the book 
> indefinitely, with it available for purchase from various marketplaces such 
> as Amazon and Google books. So it is "maintained" and "promoted", at no cost, 
> in perpetuity, and is always available, because books can now easily be 
> printed on demand in single copy. I expect nowadays it might make more sense 
> to say something like: "If the book sells no copies in X years, in any medium 
> supported by the publisher, then the rights revert to the author."
> It has been nine years, and the book still hasn't sold enough copies for me 
> to see a penny. 
> If I were writing a novel I would definitely either self publish or find a 
> firm that focuses on online publishing, and which returns a definite 
> marketing plan in return for their cut (there are firms that focus on 
> kickstarting novels, or other internet forums, for example). 
> -----------
> Eric P. Charles, Ph.D.
> Department of Justice - Personnel Psychologist
> American University - Adjunct Instructor
>  <>
> On Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 4:46 PM < 
> <>> wrote:
> At the very list, the contract should explicitly say that rights revert to 
> the author when the publisher no longer maintains the book in print and 
> promotes it.  I often edited my magazine contracts to give only first rights. 
>  I agree with Tom, that copyright should stay with the author.
> N
> Nicholas Thompson
> Emeritus Professor of Ethology and Psychology
> Clark University
> <>
> <>
> From: Friam < <>> On 
> Behalf Of Tom Johnson
> Sent: Saturday, July 4, 2020 2:32 PM
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group < 
> <>>
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Book publishing advice needed
> Another advantage of self-publishing is that you retain the copyright.  Ergo, 
> you can license it to a publisher for an updated edition or just distribution.
> Tom
> ============================================
> Tom Johnson - <>
> Institute for Analytic Journalism   --     Santa Fe, NM USA
> 505.577.6482(c)                                    505.473.9646(h)
> NM Foundation for Open Government <>
> Check out It's The People's Data 
> <>        
> ============================================
> <>
> Virus-free. 
> <>
> On Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 2:25 PM Jochen Fromm < 
> <>> wrote:
> Thanks. Yes, self-publishing is an option. I am looking for an official 
> publisher mainly for one reason, namely that other scientists and researchers 
> can cite it, since I still cling to the illusion that someone would actually 
> do it. Normally self-published texts are not considered as reliable or 
> trustworthy sources. I didn't expect that finding a decent publisher would be 
> so difficult. 
> -J.
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Tom Johnson < <>>
> Date: 7/4/20 20:10 (GMT+01:00)
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group < 
> <>>
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Book publishing advice needed
> Jochen:
> The deal being offered strikes me as a bad deal.
> Background:  I have been practicing and teaching about "Be Your Own 
> Publisher" for nearly 15 years.  There are, in my opinion, some major 
> problems with all publishers today.  It starts with control of the copyright. 
>  I think YOU should want to maintain control of the copyright to your work.  
> It will depend on the contract, but many or most publishers will try to lock 
> down the copyright in their favor for all -- ALL -- forms of your work in 
> perpetuity and throughout the universe.  Sometimes quite literally.
> Second, you should assume -- especially with a small publisher and you, not 
> being as well known  as Stephen King or Daniel Steele  -- the publisher will 
> do little if anything to promote your book beyond a mention in its catalog 
> and, maybe, some promotional links on Amazon.  Given that, a 5 percent 
> royalty should be seen as a con.
> Third, given your computing experience, you should find it easy to format and 
> produce the book yourself.  I have used <> for 
> years.  It is especially good if you want to have both hardback, paperback 
> and PDF editions.  Again the advantages: you keep the copyright, you can set 
> (and change) the prices and to a degree the royalties.  Also, Lulu and Amazon 
> handle all the backend financial arrangements and administration and pay 
> directly and quickly.  I also use a very good, high quality digital printer 
> in Albuquerque for paperback editions.  It is Lithexcel 
> <>.  It handles all the printing 
> (one copy to any number) quickly, along with all the fulfillment and 
> accounting. The folks there will also, for only $25, set up your book in the 
> Amazon inventory search engine.  Finally, there is Amazon's self-publishing 
> arm 
> <>.
>   While Amazon might take a bigger slice, the control over all aspects is in 
> your hands.
> Here's the problem/challenge with all of these.  YOU have to do the 
> marketing/publicity/promotion.  But so what?  If you today sign with any 
> publisher of any size you will have to do the same thing.
> Hope this helps.  Feel free to contact me with questions.  Also you might 
> want to see <> 
> Tom
> ============================================
> Tom Johnson - <>
> Institute for Analytic Journalism   --     Santa Fe, NM USA
> 505.577.6482(c)                                    505.473.9646(h)
> NM Foundation for Open Government <>
> Check out It's The People's Data 
> <>        
> ============================================
> <>
> Virus-free. 
> <>
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 1:29 AM Jochen Fromm < 
> <>> wrote:
> At one end of the spectrum there are the 5 big commercial publishers 
> Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin Random House and Simon & 
> Schuster. They only publish stuff their agents select to make a lot of money. 
> There are also the big academic publishers like OUP, CUP, HUP and MIT Press, 
> which preferably publish strictly peer-reviewed content from professors at 
> Ivy League universities who made their PhD at the age of 20.
> At the other end of the spectrum there are "predatory publishers" who publish 
> anything you submit as long as you pay enough money for it. Open access books 
> can also be very expensive. Publishing an "open access book" at De Gruyter 
> for example costs up to 8000 $. You pay for it so that other people read it. 
> It is basically some kind of advertising of your own work.
> For my own new book I finally have an offer from a small publisher in 
> Washington D.C. who is somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. They are 
> really small and offer 5% royalties. Should I accept this offer or wait for a 
> better one? It is the only one from more than 25 publishers I have asked, and 
> the publishers at the moment are flooded with submissions. :-/
> <>
> -J.
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