And still more progress toward realism in media:

Over 280 Wall Street Journal employees raise credibility concerns about opinion 

On 6/29/20 11:23 AM, ∄ uǝlƃ wrote:
> I'm not sure if that NYT article's been edited since it was originally 
> published or what. It's so brief and conflicts with a screenshot I see on 
> Twitter that I don't know what to think. Maybe it's simply that I'm not 
> subscribed to the NYT anymore? (Of course, I'll never subscribe to WP because 
> Bezos doesn't need my money.)
> A little more context, here: 
> It's interesting that Google returns a lot of right-leaning sources for this 
> story, similar to the Slate Star Codex issue <>. I 
> suppose it's thinly justified as right-leaners' opportunities to attack 
> left-leaners' favorite sources. I enjoy things most when, e.g., orgs like the 
> ACLU band together with, e.g., Reason to argue for privacy. Blatant 
> partisanship annoys me. At least *pretend* to be open-minded! >8^D
> On 6/29/20 9:48 AM, Roger Critchlow wrote:
>> I'm catching up after rescuing 30 days of FRIAM from the spam folder.
>> In an even more meta-news context, The New York Times revealed yesterday 
>> that the Washington Post pulled a Bob Woodward article that would have outed 
>> Bret Kavanaugh as an anonymous source, directly contradicting testimony 
>> Kavanaugh was giving about what he did and did not do while serving on Ken 
>> Starr's staff.  Keeping faith with your sources.   
>> <>

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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