Yes! That is of interest. I've been trying to understand a claim I've heard 
that *actual* infinities are required for full 2nd order math. I.e. potential 
infinities (which I suppose are necessary for intuitionism and/or 
program-as-proof) limit the 2nd order operators you can use.

I shouldn't be surprised that the Church got involved. Thanks.

On 7/23/20 9:47 AM, Prof David West wrote:
> maybe of interest:
> In the 1630s, when the Roman Catholic Church was confronting Galileo over the 
> Copernican system, the Revisors General of the Jesuit order condemned the 
> doctrine that the continuum is composed of indivisibles. What we now call 
> Cavalieri’s Principle was thought to be dangerous to religion. 
> Why did the Church get involved in evaluating the “new math” of indivisibles, 
> infinitesimals, and the infinite?  The doctrine of indivisibles was on the 
> side of Galileo. Besides opposing the Church about whether the earth went 
> around the sun, Galileo treated matter as made of atoms, which are physical 
> indivisibles. Bonaventura Cavalieri, who pioneered indivisible methods in 
> geometry, was among Galileo’s followers. Furthermore, Catholic theology owes 
> much to Aristotle’s philosophy, and Aristotle, arguing for the potentially 
> infinite divisibility of the continuum, had explicitly ruled out both 
> indivisibles and the actual infinite. So it is no wonder that Jesuit 
> intellectuals opposed using indivisibles in geometry.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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