It's kinda weird. I feel like you didn't read a word I wrote. What you're 
calling "collective action" is NOT collective action. It is abstraction of some 
objective into an individual organization, like a government agency, 
corporation, NGO, etc. Both of your BHL and NJL are hostile violations of 
collective action and engagement. They are abstraction. And it is abstraction, 
the purposeful ignoring of details, that is the disease. So it doesn't really 
matter if we see both types in FriAM. They're both disease ridden.

On 7/29/20 9:37 AM, wrote:
> A Bleeding Heart Liberal [hereafter, BHL], such as myself, believes that 
> there is something to be valued in that which we collectively intend.  So, 
> it's good when we get together, make a plan, and try to execute it.  We BLH's 
> stipulate that there are perils in such collective action, that it creates 
> opportunities for idiotic perseveration and entrepreneurial corruption within 
> the systems it creates.  Still, the motto of BLH's is "We Go Down Trying". 
> Allow me to strawman an alternative to BHL, the Nasty Jaded Libertarian 
> [hereafter, NJL], who can see in collective action ONLY the ills stipulated 
> above, and regards all attempts at collective action as inherently dangerous 
> and inevitably exploitative. NJL's see value only in the short-sighted 
> strivings of the individual.  The NJL motto is, "Let What Happens, Happen." 
> Would you agree that these two threads exist in FRIAM?  In all of us, if not 
> in each of us?   If so, how do we integrate (entwine?) those two threads, or 
> should we even try.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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