Yeah, the technical bookstore on Burnside was really great. It was where I
spent my last three hours living in Portland (2007) reading Hatcher's
'Algebraic Topology'. Last I was in Oregon (2014), I was sad to see it gone,
but then someone directed me that the technical books all moved to the main
branch. I walked the two blocks over and found a copy of Niven's
'Diophantine Approximations'.

In Santa Fe, we have a couple of bookstores that I like a lot. Big Star is
really great for fiction and browsing in general. Op Cit is where I like to
go for technical books (math/drawing). Op Cit moved a number of times since
I moved here in 2013, but now it is located in De Vargas Mall, where it is a
couple of storefronts down from an antique pen store. It is kind of amazing
to see a non-corporate bookstore in a mall.

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