On 9/14/20 9:51 AM, uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ wrote:
> Well, the argument is not mainly that they're too big. It's that they use 
> offensive marketing tactics to *kill* smaller "competitors" ... e.g. 
> diapers.com. You know, good old fashioned capitalism. If they didn't engage 
> in that sort of thing, they wouldn't be villains. The "natural" reduction to 
> the mediocre that happens in monopoly or oligopoly isn't as much of a 
> concern. And their consistent mistreatment of their delivery workers (not 
> their IT workers) is also not the main concern. If, as RussS argues, they 
> were simply more competent, then the "freedom" of the market might be enough 
> to allow a radical idea to disrupt them. But it's not mere competence. Amazon 
> is anti-freedom and predatory.
I think "online shopping" in general has proven to be an effective
competitor to "mall shopping" as "malls" became effective competitors to
"main street", and I suppose "main street" to the old-school "general
store" model.    It is a reverse-backflow system where some aspects of
the "business" improve while others flail.   The mall has *everything
you want* compared even to a rich mainstreet selection, but you have to
drive out to the suburbs and hike across a 1000 acre parking lot, but
are rewarded by ambient entertainment, air conditioning and an
invitation to use them for senior exercise walks.
> Besides, this government will not break them up. Amazon is way more powerful 
> than the Trump admin, despite Trump's idiotic personal vendetta.

Yup, but it felt like Elizabeth would like to "rain hell down on them"
like an early c20 Trust Buster if she'd gotten hold of the reins (for
better or worse).  

I paradoxically drive past small hardware stores on my way to "the big
box" too often, though usually only when I am confident the local
doesn't have what I need, and after I've checked in on "do I really NEED
what I can only find at the big box".   Before COVID I studiously
eschewed *marts but still went to Target and Sams as if they were
qualitatively different (whilst also doing the calculus of the big-box
hardware store example when I could).  

COVID had me going back to my DIY roots and trying desperately NOT to
think I needed ANYTHING from ANY of those places.... just as practice
for the Apocalypse, should it come (yes, it is still inevitable, just
not sure what time-scale).   Speaking of which, our flock of 8 hens is
finally producing 5-7 eggs a day which is only slightly more than we are
eating...   but now we have a racoon who jumped the 8' courtyard wall
(an interesting obstacle at best, not an obstruction for him) and shat
on the roof of our coop (knocked together from my hoards of salvaged
supplies) last night.   Time to double-down on fasteners and get the dog
habituated to the chickens (while in their coop at least)...   I'd
rather not have to figure out how to pass Raccoon Stew off to Mary as

<anecdote meant to reinforce the value and hazards of distributed
sourcing of goods and services>

- Steve

> On 9/14/20 8:47 AM, Gary Schiltz wrote:
>> Which, by transitivity must mean animosity toward the 40% of idiot citizens 
>> who keep such radical ideas from having a chance in hell of happening. 
>> On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 10:38 AM Marcus Daniels <mar...@snoutfarm.com 
>> <mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:
>>     I guess I don't get all this animosity toward Amazon.   If it is too 
>> big, then use the force of government to break it up.

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