/I can see a lot more work needed that will never be seen from the public’s
side of the system. The 50,000 sites will not be constant. Some new ones
will come, and some will go. Hospitals, public health departments,
independent as well as chain pharmacies have to feed information into the
system. How do they pass that information?  How do they prove they are not a
hacker and have the authority to change hours, capacity, availability of
vaccine, location, etc. Are there mechanisms for weeding out defunct and
out-of-date vaccination sites? The problems getting up-to-date and accurate
numbers for COVID tests, deaths, ICU usage, etc., demonstrate this is not
Not trivial, but also tinker toys. Industry-level authentication of RESTful
services is a pattern that many of us on this list ought to be able to
implement while skimming Instagram or playing online go. A small team of
Friammers and/or a few interested parties could have something up in a month
that would be considerably better than healthcare.gov or the New Mexico
Unemployment app. Some on this list are pretty bright and could write or
implement  formal verification software
<https://galois.com/research-development/software-correctness/>   for
proving the correctness of the code.
It is so easy to point to software that doesn't do as advertised that it is
easy to miss out on what the present state of the art actually is. The
anecdotal cases are click-bait. But hey, I have spilled enough ink on this
subject already. Yes, we /can/ have nice things.

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