I speculate that UBI *could* be very positive for humanity.

But there are many reasons why it could not work as well as intended too.
Three main criticisms that come to mind are:

a) There are many people who need to be employed to have meaning in life.
(please exclude me from this group)

b) The economy needs to provide incentives for people to do productive work
to oil the gears of the economy, UBI removes this incentive.

c) It will just be too expensive

There could be many more valid criticisms of UBI of course.

For those who are interested in hearing the positive case for UBI, the clip
of Ben Shapiro's interview with Andrew Yang is IMO a good resource for
this. (21 minutes)

Just a comment on this interview, I really like it if people with very
different world views are having civilised conversations. This is one such
an example.
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