Morpheus: A Vulnerability-Tolerant Secure Architecture Based on Ensembles of 
Moving Target Defenses with Churn

Attacks often succeed by abusing the gap between program and machine-level 
semantics– for example, by locating a sensitive pointer, exploiting a bug to 
overwrite this sensitive data, and hijacking the victim program’s execution. In 
this work, we take secure system design on the offensive by continuously 
obfuscating information that attackers need but normal programs do not use, 
such as representation of code and pointers or the exact location of code and 
data.Our secure hardware architecture, Morpheus, combines two powerful 
protections: ensembles of moving target defenses and churn. Ensembles of moving 
target defenses randomize key program values (e.g., relocating pointers and 
encrypting code and pointers) which forces attackers to extensively probe the 
system prior to an attack. To ensure attack probes fail, the architecture 
incorporates churn to transparently re-randomize program values underneath the 
running system.With frequent churn, systems quickly become impractically 
difficult to penetrate.We demonstrate Morpheus through a RISC-V-based prototype 
designed to stop control-flow attacks. Each moving target defense in Morpheus 
uses hardware support to individually offer more randomness at a lower cost 
than previous techniques. When ensembled with churn, Morpheus defenses offer 
strong protection against control-flow attacks,with our security testing and 
performance studies revealing: i) high-coverage protection for a broad array of 
control-flow attacks, including protections for advanced attacks and an attack 
disclosed after the design of Morpheus, and ii) negligible performance impacts 
(1%) with churn periods up to50 ms, which our study estimates to be at least 
5000x faster than the time necessary to possibly penetrate Morpheus."

Two of the more interesting citations are:

Undefined behavior: what happened to my code?

Towards optimization-safe systems: analyzing the impact of undefined behavior

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