I don't know who wrote this originally, I got it on social media:

"Bike is the slow death of the planet ".
A banker made economists think this when he said: ′′ A cyclist is a
disaster for the country's economy: he doesn't buy cars or borrow money to
buy. He doesn't pay insurance policies Doesn't buy fuel, doesn't pay to
take the car to revision and repairs needed. Does not use paid parking. It
doesn't cause major accidents. Does not require multi lane highways. He
doesn't become obese
Healthy people are not necessary or useful to the economy. They don't buy
medicine. They don't go to hospitals or doctors. They add nothing to the
country's GDP.
On the contrary, each new McDonald's store creates at least 30 jobs,
actually 10 cardiologists, 10 dentists, 10 diet experts and nutritionists,
obviously as well as the people who work in the store itself ".

Choose carefully: a bike or a Mc Donald? Worth thinking about

PS: walking is even worse. Pedestrians don't even buy a bike!
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