

This is, of course, exactly the opposite of my creation myth in which the slate 
is wiped clean after every generation.  But it would explain a belief system in 
which well-being was the deserved reward of having lived well in a previous 


While I am here, please let me point out that “equal in law” seems a rather 
constrained understanding “born equal”, given especially that the passage goes 
on to add equality in law (well rights, actually) as  an additional endowment.  


“… and they are endowed by their Creator by certain rights, including life, 
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  


Where is John Dobson when we need him.  Could somebody please forward this note 
to him.  I don’t have his email address here with me.





Nick Thompson

 <mailto:thompnicks...@gmail.com> thompnicks...@gmail.com



From: Friam <friam-boun...@redfish.com> On Behalf Of Prof David West
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 10:17 PM
To: friam@redfish.com
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] "All [persons] are created equal"


Purely from my academic understanding of the subject; the Nick that is, at this 
moment / in this incarnation, is a product of karma accrued and shed over 
multiple instances of existence. Hence, what you are now is precisely what you 
deserve to be. All persons may have been created equal some untold incarnations 
ago and before they had any opportunity to accrete karma.





On Thu, Aug 26, 2021, at 2:04 PM, thompnicks...@gmail.com 
<mailto:thompnicks...@gmail.com>  wrote:



If I understand the shape of the globe correctly, you are waking up pretty 
soon, and I would like to pick up the conversation about caste, if you don’t 


I believe the proposition in the subject line.  Given the many ways that 
proposition can be understood as plainly false, I feel that my belief in it 
must be defended.


In what sense equal?  Not in genes.  Not in uterine environment. .  Not in 
early nutrition and cognitive stimulation. Not in social capitol. Not in 
financial capitol.  Not in access to health care.  Not in exposure to future 
parasites.  Not in almost anything that I can think of.   So, why is the 
aphorism not just nonsense.


I find, that if I examine my thinking in this matter, a very primitive 
metaphysics about the moment of an individual’s creation.  What follows is 
flagrantly silly, but here it is.   On my account, at the moment of birth a 
soul is taken out of storage and assigned to a body.  By “person” in the 
aphorism, I mean the combination of a particular soul with the particular body. 
 These assignments are at random.  So, for good or ill, no soul deserves the 
body it gets.   I cannot claim credit for my genes, my good uterine 
environment, my social capitol, my financial capitol, my bad hip, the draft 
deferment it provided, my getting a phd at absolute peak of demand for phd’s, 
my good education, even my FRIAM membership.  They are all consequences of that 
initial, random assignment.   Now YOU may credit me in some ways, because 
knowing that all these advantages have been assigned to me may make me useful 
or pleasing (or the opposite) in many ways, and that may bring me the 
advantages of your association.  But ==> I <== do not ==>deserve<== those 


This odd metaphysics leads me to enormous gratitude for the life I have been 
allowed to live and great sympathy for rigorous taxation of the advantaged, so 
that so much a soul’s future is not determined by that moment of assignment.


I have no idea what happens to this primitive metaphysics if I try to integrate 
it with my monism.  The religious scholars among you might recognize as some 
backass weird perversion of Calvinism. 



Nick Thompson

thompnicks...@gmail.com <mailto:thompnicks...@gmail.com> 



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