Yeah.  What a guy.  I had the impression there wasn’t anything he could master.



> On Sep 24, 2021, at 6:09 AM, Marcus Daniels <> wrote:
> I once had an office by Dave Bacon.  Years later, and for many years, he held 
> the title of software engineer at Google.   By the definitions of people 
> here, he's a scholar and a scientist.    But in the weird (?) world of 
> Silicon Valley, he probably was able to make more money and be more 
> influential keeping that title.   The important thing was that he was Dave 
> Bacon.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friam <> On Behalf Of u?l? ?>$
> Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2021 1:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Advertents and Inadvertents
> My comment about being a hack is *not* disparaging. It's a blunt fact and, to 
> the extent one can take pride in things, I take pride in it.
> By "ontological", I mean attributed to the real/extant/actual world (avoiding 
> Peirce's distinction between real and extant) out there. I don't like the 
> plural "ontologies" at all. Instead of your language of "one's ontology", I 
> would prefer "one's model(s) of the world". Then epistemology would be the 
> study of those models and their fidelity to the world. The computer 
> technology sense of "ontology" is fairly close to "model of the world". So, I 
> don't like using the word in that context. But I must when I talk to those 
> people.
> When I caution you against ontological commitment, I intend to talk about 
> commitment to things like monism, triadic sign-object-interpretant 
> thingamajiggies, and the ontological soundness of [in]advertents. When I 
> objected that inadvertents do not exist, I intended to pressure you into 
> distinguishing your model of the world from the world. If we can restrict 
> ourselves to never having *any* access to the real world out there, and only 
> talk about models of the world, then that will satisfy me. But to make it 
> clear that's what's happening, we might want to strip our language of those 
> words. Words like "world", "reality", "exists", etc. All we need discuss is 
> the plurality of models and how they compare.
> If we do that, then we can say, let there be 2 models, M1 and M2. If M1⊂M2, 
> then the components, c∈M2 such that c∉M1 can be called "inadvertent" w.r.t. 
> M1. Or if, more generally, for any M1≠M2 such that c2∈M2, c2∉M1, c1∈M1, 
> c1∉M2, c1 is "inadvertent" w.r.t. M2 and c2 is inadvertent w.r.t. M1. We 
> could go further and talk about whether or not M1∪M2 is also a model? And if 
> it's not guaranteed that the arbitrary composition of 2 models yields a 
> model, then perhaps there are situations where 2 models might share a more 
> primitive (smaller, more compressed, more expressive) model. And we might be 
> able to ask, then, is there a "largest model", a model that expresses 
> everything all other models express.
> On 9/23/21 1:17 PM, wrote:
>> I despair when people whom I respect  disparage themselves.  "If Glen is a 
>> hack," I think, "what kind of a worm am I?"  I look at it this way.  We are 
>> all good at somethings, bad at others.  To the extent our strengths and 
>> weaknesses can compensate for one another, then that is a good thing.   Each 
>> offers what he has to offer; each takes from the pile of offerings what he 
>> needs.  It's a kind  of intellectual communism.  
>> I do what to open a short side bar with you concerning "ontology."  I don't 
>> think the distinction between phenomenon and epiphenomenon was ever 
>> "ontological" with me.    Nor is the distinction between advertents and 
>> inadvertents.  So that makes me worry that we are using the term in 
>> different senses.   My understanding is that one's ontology is everything 
>> that one assumes to be.   Ontologies can be explicit or inexplicit. So, I 
>> can have an ontology and not know it.  You, therefore, have some 
>> considerable power to convince me of what my ontology actual is.  To the 
>> extent my ontology is explicit, it is a monist experience monism that 
>> insists that we live in a world of signs ... experiences that signify other 
>> experiences, but I don't think that ontology commits me to a world of 
>> advertents and inadvertents. 
>> Now I have heard you software wizards speak from time to time of 
>> "ontologies", and I am guessing that the word has some added spin for you 
>> that it does not for me.   So, I would like to straighten that out, if we 
>> could.  When you say that you fear the distinction is ontological with me, 
>> what exactly is it that you fear? 
>> By the way, as a behaviorist, I am inclined to more to make the error that 
>> human most enterprizes are inadvertent, then to make the error that 
>> biological ones are advertent.  
> -- 
> "Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie."
> ☤>$ uǝlƃ
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