Ugh. I sympathize. No answers, here. But I'll kvetch with you. For awhile, I 
just turned them all off. Even my clients have to *wait* until I'm ready to 
look at their messages. I'm too old to be "on call".

But recently, I've been trying to coerce Pandora to use it's erstwhile "music 
genome" to find, ya know, actual similar music ... as opposed to the stupid 
garbage other people Thumbs Up. My Nick Shoulders 
<> station is absolute crap. 
Obviously, Pandora can't detect good yodeling and whistling ... all I get are 
stupid steel guitar crooners with poser southern accents and Dolly Parton. 
[pfft] But, in that attempt, I turned notifications back on for Pandora and now 
the damned light stays on like all the damned time. And you can't even swipe 
the thing away. I have to go into settings and force stop the app ... which I 
happily do because `kill -9` is a fundamental human right.

Back when Lineage OS was ... oh, hell, what was it called? ... whatever ... it 
was easy to customize the notification light. I'm "this close" to rooting the 
damned phone again and loading a custom rom.

On 12/14/21 8:29 AM, Gillian Densmore wrote:
> ieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,skdsfsaaghjghshgdshfsadhdsfhsdhhsd
> OmFG! It feels like every god damn app or youtube video,  alarms, car, dogs, 
> southerbell, beelzabub sneese, dog farts on the moon, elon musks new troll,  
> or if the rock itchies his ******** . If anything happens other than what I 
> need (like working). my phone lets me know.
> "you've been having insomnia, and liked this whitenoise sound? that channel 
> uploaded a video"
> "this other guy farted heres a video"
> "everyone thinks biden is an idiot"
> "your opinion matters click here for more"
> "this guys head is sidewise"
> "you watched a tutorial on fixing a shelf, here's more of the same"
> "Hurican yourdickpitas just told florence floorsmell to get rekt"
> "MOLES ARE IMPORTANT FOR SCIENCE!!! sometime in the year 20billion we  /might 
>  /know how to mind control them!!"
> like jesus fucked christ! android, google, what ever chill the fuck out! and 
> worse? If I want to do basic shit like, ya know call or connect to bluetooth? 
> a fucking nightmare.
> Anyone know an app or something so my phone isn't like a spaztic kitten, and 
> spamming the fuck out of me with notifications?

"Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie."
☤>$ uǝlƃ

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