Yes. There's a lot of them in the US here in WA, in spite of our overwhelmingly 
blue election results. So my guess is that the accusations of Svaboda's links 
to neo-nazis is at least somewhat true. Svoboda's results are pretty small ... 
nothing like Trump's share in our elections. But non-zero is infinitely greater 
than zero.

And given Nuland's encouragement that Yatseniuk talk to Tyahnybok four times 
per week added some smoke to the conspiracy theory.

But for anyone with a shred of skeptical ability to accept Putin's "denazification" 
rhetoric is preposterous. That rhetoric is clear manipulative propaganda. If the 
"democracy" in Russia accepts that rhetoric, it's because they've been stripped of that 
skeptical ability.

On 3/9/22 11:07, wrote:
Perhaps a bridge too far?  I regret to say that there are SOME nazis in 
Ukraine.   Evidence: an npr (?) reporter embedded with them.  Perhaps not more 
than there are in the US, or Germany, at the moment.  But they are there, they 
are, many of them battle hardened, and they are fighting on “our” side.  For 
good or ill.   I say this because eventually one of them will turn up on State 
TV in Moscow, and we have to be prepared for that.

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