I saw but didn't follow the link from a thumbnail referencing Musk's father giving (White) So. African ideals credit for his son's success, etc.   I'm not as harsh on Musk as you are, but I get your gist on this and don't disagree in general.

It is a sensitive enough topic perhaps but I would like it if anyone with more So.African experience (e.g. Pieter?) could weigh in on the perspective of what *I* identify as manic-hypercapitalistic/patriarchal/colonization syndrome shared by the US and several other breakaway Euro-colonies (South Africa, Australia in particular).   I use those perjorative terms with some fondness as that is what I was born and raised amongst.  That was my petri-dish.  In some ways, my version (working cowboys, timbermen, truckers and roughneck oil riggers) is possibly more high-test than some here.   Moving on to a scientific/technical study/profession in *it's* heyday possibly only aggravated the worst of that, many tech entrepreneurs (or guns-for-hire) are pretty much the same thing but take their showers at the start of the day instead of the end.   I have been rewarded well for being a (surely weak and flawed by the standards of this group) right-brained, ambitious, linear logical-positivist.

I am currently meandering through Northern France into Belgium, experiencing things like +/-1c Roman Ruins next to 10c cathedrals and castles and villages that were the site of WWI and WWII occupation first by the Germans and then by their "liberators". The countryside, and people and commerce in these remote villages feels like it could be set in any century since the enlightenment (if you ignore the very occasional automobile or the giant windmills on the horizon).   The number of jet contrails is amazingly low compared to *any* part of the US.   Things seem so much more decentralized and human-scale slow, etc.   That doesn't include the manic day we careened into Paris, parked *under* the Louvre, did a "been there-done-that tour" then drove out during rush hour (bad planning) including a (n accidental) circumambulation of the Arc du Triomphe on the way out.  The level of manic in Paris rivaled the best I've felt in Rome, San Francisco or even NYC (especially in the Arc du Roundy-round as the Wisconsonites wouild call it?).

I haven't seen a single American with a MAGA hat as I did in 2018 on my way to Stockholm (several overpolite, overbearing men). Greta was in the news and I even hand-carried an effigy from a Lakota friend to deliver to her family (friends of our hosts there) and had a vision of making up MAGA hats which replace GREAT with GRETA (by simply inverting the AT, ( Glen could conjure the Unicode for that methinks) and deftly swap those in for people I meet with their MAGA on.


   /Fridays are for 'F you boomer!'//

At the /Musee du Matisse/ the Anglais speaking docent was quick to recognize our 'murrican accents (and dress, grooming and silhouette?) and was proud to tell us that they had "Just had two Texans in here last week".  That could mean *anything* but I wanted to say "I'm sorry" but that would have been too subtle for our language/culture differences, and in fact i know *plenty* of good Texans.   But then there is the saying in Santa Fe "Texans go home, leave your wallets" which I could almost imagine Euros mumbling about 'murricans as we leave each place.

- Ramble

On 6/3/22 2:40 PM, glen wrote:
Yeah, it seems ironic for Tony Stark to cling to the obsolete. But Tony Stark isn't real. It's not the slightest bit ironic for a conservative like Musk to cling to the past. New Teslas should come pre-branded with a MAGA rectangle on the bumber.

On 6/2/22 18:07, Marcus Daniels wrote:
https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/01/tech/elon-musk-tesla-ends-work-from-home/index.html <https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/01/tech/elon-musk-tesla-ends-work-from-home/index.html>

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