....My primary keyboard...is finally in the electronic TAS run, superbin,
of the great beyond


Several years ago. I want to say about 2018. I got a sexy great af Razer
mechanical Keyboard with Mx yYellows. An since thn. f8888. Since then.  my
fingers were happy. I got it used, and reverbered. Oh sorry Refreshed by
AmazonTM.  Well what ever. Anyway TLDR
-Gentle an Responsive keyboards for a ood fF*** good. Value? I was thinking
f***thind F*** thundering.
Side question:

What makes those super super pretty lights that sometimes show up
cloards durring a storm. kind of purple or green thing? anyone know what i
meen? I don't if it's the after image from lightining. or some nifty and
weird thing.

Mostly what I like about mechanicle keyboards is they don't ghost. And at
least the Yellow switches were gentle af an rediclously responsive (to much
so): Iwas thinking that that sometimes OG domes were like that.
I on't know who makes cheep mechanicle kbs now.

If folks have some ideas, ping me back!
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