Worst fucking tech help. Ever. Some assholes in a call center that ain't
fixing to do shit. I called those motherfuckers. First was the raggedy ass
whack a mole phone menu. Then the least help
 Most condensending assholes ever "we understand.." cut. The goddamn
pererconseling 101 and fucking help

After30 fucking minutes"Ted". Quotes hr and policy. And only says it's out.
Sooo like what you cut a line, or something
9 motherfucking hours. What the fuck are the assholes doing? Wanking?
Never did find out the real reason for turning the internet off..

Like you mean to tell me. The thing meant laugh at a nuclear fucking blas
"has to" get ya ked offline so the can fuck around do fuck all knows what.
How fun king stupid are they?
-. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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