Since you brought up Pratchett:

EricS: Those pocket synthesizers are very tempting. Thanks.

Gil: Yeah, this week's had a way better start. Still can't work out 'cause the 
construction crew has all their stuff packed in the area where I do it. [sigh] 
... getting fatter by the hour!

Luck: IDK, man. I don't really believe in luck or unluck. But I do believe in 
selection or filtering. I think we've talked about it on the list, where we're 
wired to pay more attention to negative stuff than positive stuff. So noticing 
all the red stop lights and ignoring all the green ones might be related to 
thinking the rustling in the bush is a tiger. If it is a tiger, running was a 
good idea. If it's not a tiger, well you simply wasted a few calories, better 
safe than sorry ... however suspect evolutionary psychology might be. One 
challenge to my disbelief, though, is that I know a couple of people who really 
do seem to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time ... get rear-ended by 
an uninsured driver ... have their spouse degenerate with lupus ... allergic to 
pine nuts (?!?) ... on and on for a lifetime of hassle. The story of Job, I 
guess. Someone has to play the 6 sigma role.

On 8/15/22 15:05, Gillian Densmore wrote:
I am curius though. Is their some reason awful luck like this happens. Just 
pure luck?

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