I've misplaced my physical tapemeasure, anyone know  a good tape measure
app for android? I'm trying to get the size of my front door. Other than
thick and old.

Computer Mice: I think I accidentally broke a logitech
Mxsomething wireless.  One of the coolest mice I've had recently was one
that was USB recharge-able. Unfortunately amazon stopped selling it, and
WalMart looks like it's out of stock on it. -_-. Are their
usb-rechargable mice good for heavy computer usage? the 'gamer mice' tend
to be more RGB than well built.  and for some weird reason tend to skip the
usb recharge part -_-. I'm running out of usb ports.
-. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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