Ha! I accidentally cut-n-pasted "write a song with the intellectual wit of TL", 
intending to replace TL with Tom Lehrer, but didn't. This is what it gave me:

Verse 1:
I was just a young man, trying to find my way
Thought I knew it all, but then I heard you say
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"

TL, you've got that intellectual wit
You cut through the noise and get to the heart of it
You show me the way, you make me think
TL, you've got that intellectual wit

Verse 2:
You've got a way with words, you know just what to say
You never shy away from the hard questions to weigh
You challenge me to be my best, to seek the truth and not to rest

TL, you've got that intellectual wit
You cut through the noise and get to the heart of it
You show me the way, you make me think
TL, you've got that intellectual wit

You open up my mind, you help me to see
All the possibilities, all the potential in me
You inspire me to be more, to reach for the stars
With your guidance, I know I can go far

TL, you've got that intellectual wit
You cut through the noise and get to the heart of it
You show me the way, you make me think
TL, you've got that intellectual wit

Then I replaced TL with Tom Lehrer and this is what it gave me:

Verse 1:
I was just a young man, trying to make sense of it all
Thought I knew it all, but then I heard Tom Lehrer call
"The world is a mess, and I just need to confess
I'm feeling depressed, but at least I can express
My thoughts through song, and maybe I can't go wrong
If I use my wit to make the people sing along"

Tom Lehrer, he's got that intellectual wit
He cuts through the noise and gets to the heart of it
He shows us the way, he makes us think
Tom Lehrer, he's got that intellectual wit

Verse 2:
With his clever lyrics and his catchy melodies
He tackles the issues that no one else dares to see
He's not afraid to speak the truth, no matter how harsh
He's a master of satire, and a pioneer of the art

Tom Lehrer, he's got that intellectual wit
He cuts through the noise and gets to the heart of it
He shows us the way, he makes us think
Tom Lehrer, he's got that intellectual wit

He's a man ahead of his time, with a sharp tongue and a sharp mind
He's a beacon of light in a world that's often blind
He's a master of wordplay, and a genius of song
He's the one we turn to when we need to sing along

Tom Lehrer, he's got that intellectual wit
He cuts through the noise and gets to the heart of it
He shows us the way, he makes us think
Tom Lehrer, he's got that intellectual wit

So, I'm guessing the answer is "No". >8^D Well, TANSTAAFL, I guess. If you trained it, embedded it with 
nuance, etc. ... then yes, sure. But "it" wouldn't be "writing" the song. Lehrer, you, and the host of 
algorithm tweakers of the past will have "wrote" it. One thing these AIs *should* be teaching us is what the 
postmodernists warned us about: the built environment is not so separable from nature as we think.

On 12/20/22 08:52, Tom Johnson wrote:
I wonder if AI could write a song with the intellectual wit of TL?

https://tomlehrersongs.com/ <https://tomlehrersongs.com/>

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