you are correct about chicken little - but remember he was writing in the 
context of the angst caused by WWI.


On Thu, Jan 19, 2023, at 9:54 AM, glen wrote:
> Excellent! Thanks. Robinson's words sound a little Chicken Little to 
> me. But the focus on _open_ is something I'm committed to. I still 
> waffle about whether the logic(s) of the universe are open-ended (by 
> which I mean truly novel events and structures can occur) or not (by 
> which I mean, all seemingly new structures were programmed in the whole 
> time, which also implies things about the universality of any singular 
> logic). I want it to be open.
> And the only way we can falsify my tendency to believe it is open is to 
> find evidence that it's closed, to reduce everything to a, one 
> singular, GUT ... and, as time goes by, I'm steadily being disabused of 
> my beliefs in the openness of anything. But even if everything's 
> closed, there are sub-problems therein, *interesting* ways in which it 
> is closed that make it *seem* open. Systems that might tolerate 
> multiple types of closure, where some relations are closed and others 
> open. Etc. That's why logic(s) that tolerate inconsistency are so cool 
> (to me).
> On 1/19/23 07:52, Prof David West wrote:
>> My optimism is tempered, and less than Pieters.
>> /"When we contemplate the shocking derangement of human affairs which now 
>> prevails in most civilized countries, including our own, even the best minds 
>> are puzzled and uncertain in their attempts to grasp the situation.The world 
>> seems to demand a moral and economic regeneration which it is dangerous to 
>> postpone, but as yet impossible to imagine, let alone direct./
>> /We have unprecedented conditions to deal with and novel adjustments to 
>> make—there can be no doubt of that. We also have a great stock of scientific 
>> knowledge unknown to our grandfathers with which to operate. So novel are 
>> the conditions, so copious the knowledge, that we must undertake the arduous 
>> task of reconsidering a great part of the opinions about man and his 
>> relations to his fellow-men which have been handed down to us by previous 
>> generations who lived in far other conditions and who possessed far less 
>> information about the world and themselves./
>> */We have, however, first to create an unprecedented attitude of mind to 
>> cope with unprecedented conditions, and to utilize unprecedented knowledge. 
>> This is the preliminary. and most difficult, step to be taken—far more 
>> difficult that one would suspect who fails to realize that in order to take 
>> it we must overcome inveterate natural tendencies and artificial habits of 
>> long standing. How are we to put ourselves in a position to think of thiigs 
>> that we not only never though of before, but are most reluctant to question? 
>> In short, how are we to rid ourselves of our fond prejudices and _open our 
>> minds_?/*"
>> Those words are from someone few have heard of: James Harvey Robinson, from 
>> his book /The Mind in the Making/ published, originally, in 1921. 
>> (republished in 2017 by Vigeo Press)
>> The optimism of Altman you quoted is, in my opinion, possible only if we can 
>> "open our minds" and shed antiquated minds and counter-productive modes of 
>> thinking.
>> Robinson, by the way does not propose an alternative, per se, but does an 
>> excellent job of baring the various kinds of thinking and their origins fro 
>> the "savage mind" to the scientific revolution.
>> davew
>> On Thu, Jan 19, 2023, at 4:17 AM, Pieter Steenekamp wrote:
>>> *Sadly, there are some hidden elements to all that techno-optimism.*
>>> Yes, sadly the world is unequal and those at the bottom of the economic 
>>> ladder just don't get a good deal.
>>> On the positive side, looking back at the history of mankind there is 
>>> evidence that it is now better to live than ever in the past for the large 
>>> majority of humankind. This is true even though it is the sad truth that 
>>> it's very far from perfect; human suffering is a reality, Glen's comment is 
>>> sad but true.
>>> The question of course is whether it will continue to go better?
>>> It's just impossible to know the future. One person can believe it'll go 
>>> better in the future, another that it'll be worse, each with tons of  good 
>>> arguments.
>>> I for one, embrace the optimism of Sam Altman, just for completeness I 
>>> repeat his quote and give the reference again.
>>> "Intelligence and energy have been the fundamental limiters towards most 
>>> things we want. A future where these are not the limiting reagents will be 
>>> radically different, and can be amazingly better."
>>> Taken from 
>>> <>
>>>   :
>>> In conclusion, yes I agree with Glen that there are sadly hidden elements 
>>> to all the techno-optimism. but this does not dampen my enthusiasm for the 
>>> future triggered by abundant intelligence and energy.
>>> On Wed, 18 Jan 2023 at 21:08, glen < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>     Sadly, there are some hidden elements to all that techno-optimism. E.g.
>>> <>
>>>     On 1/18/23 00:40, Pieter Steenekamp wrote:
>>>     > I totally agree that realizable behavior is what matters.
>>>     >
>>>     > The elephant in the room is whether AI (and robotics of course) will 
>>> (not to replace but to) be able to do better than humans in all respects, 
>>> including come up with creative solutions to not only the world's most 
>>> pressing problems but also small creative things like writing poems, and 
>>> then to do the mental and physical tasks required to provide goods and 
>>> services to all in the world,
>>>     >
>>>     > Sam Altman said there are two things that will shape our future; 
>>> intelligence and energy. If we have real abundant intelligence and energy, 
>>> the world will be very different indeed.
>>>     >
>>>     > To quote Sam Altmen at 
>>> <>
>>> <
>>> <>>
>>>   :
>>>     >
>>>     > "intelligence and energy have been the fundamental limiters towards 
>>> most things we want. A future where these are not the limiting reagents 
>>> will be radically different, and can be amazingly better."
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     > On Wed, 18 Jan 2023 at 03:06, Marcus Daniels < 
>>> <> < 
>>> <>>> wrote:
>>>     >
>>>     >     Definitions are all fine and good, but realizable behavior is 
>>> what matters.   Analog computers will have imperfect behavior, and there 
>>> will be leakage between components.   A large network of transistors or 
>>> neurons are sufficiently similar for my purposes.   The unrolling would be 
>>> inside a skull, so somewhat isolated from interference.
>>>     >
>>>     >     -----Original Message-----
>>>     >     From: Friam < 
>>> <> < 
>>> <>>> On Behalf Of glen
>>>     >     Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 2:11 PM
>>>     >     To: <> 
>>> < <>>
>>>     >     Subject: Re: [FRIAM] NickC channels DaveW
>>>     >
>>>     >     I don't quite grok that. A crisp definition of recursion implies 
>>> no interaction with the outside world, right? If you can tolerate the 
>>> ambiguity in that statement, the artifacts laying about from an unrolled 
>>> recursion might be seen and used by outsiders. That's not to say a 
>>> trespasser can't have some sophisticated intrusion technique. But unrolled 
>>> seems more "open" to family, friends, and the occasional acquaintance.
>>>     >
>>>     >     On 1/17/23 13:37, Marcus Daniels wrote:
>>>     >      > I probably didn't pay enough attention to the thread some time 
>>> ago on serialization, but to me recursion is hard to distinguish from an 
>>> unrolling of recursion.
>>>     >
> -- 
> ꙮ Mɥǝu ǝlǝdɥɐuʇs ɟᴉƃɥʇ' ʇɥǝ ƃɹɐss snɟɟǝɹs˙ ꙮ
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