Dear all,

I am writing to request your assistance in my efforts to advise the South
African Minister of Public Enterprises, Pravin Ghordan, on the use of
agent-based modeling (ABM) as a decision support system.

Eskom is the main supplier of electricity in South Africa and it has been
facing a number of challenges. Despite receiving technical and economic
advice, the Minister is faced with social-political constraints that
prevent him from effectively addressing the root causes of Eskom's issues.

Given your expertise in complexity science, I believe that the Friam group
could offer valuable insights and advice to help me build the ABM decision
support system for the Minister. Maybe you can connect me with others who
have relevant knowledge and skills and will be willing to help.

We will of course not say no for freebies, but we will be willing to pay
for professional input.

I would greatly appreciate any help or advice that you can offer in this

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