I am on the THUAM zoom, Obama's Elf, if any body wants to talk to me.


On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 10:23 AM Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

> Might I offer some terminology reframing, or at least ask for some
> additional explication?
>    1. I think "behaviours" would be all Nick's Martians *could* observe?
>    They would be inferring "experiences" from observed behaviours?
>    2. When we talk about "categories" here, are we talking about
>    "categories of being"?  Ontologies, as it were?
> Regarding ErisS' reflections...   I *do* think that animals behave *as if*
> they "have categories", though I don't know what it even means to say that
> they "have categories" in the way Aristotle and his legacy-followers (e.g.
> us) do...   I would suggest/suspect that dogs and squirrels are in no way
> aware of these "categories" and that to say that they do is a  projection
> by (us) humans who have fabricated the (useful in myriad contexts) of a
> category/Category/ontology.   So in that sense they do NOT *have*
> categories...   I think in this conception/thought-experiment we assume
> that Martians *would* and would be looking to map their own ontologies onto
> the behaviour (and inferred  experiences and judgements?) of Terran animals?
> If I were to invert the subject/object relation, I would suggest that it
> is "affordances" not "experiences" (or animals' behaviours) we want to
> categorize into ontologies?  It is what things are "good for" that make
> them interesting/similar/different to living beings.   And "good for" is
> conditionally contextualized.   My dog and cat both find squirrels "good
> for" chasing, but so too for baby rabbits and skunks (once).
> Or am I barking up the wrong set of reserved lexicons?
> To segue (as I am wont to do), it feels like this discussion parallels the
> one about LLMs where we train the hell out of variations on learning
> classifier systems until they are as good as (or better than) we (humans)
> are at predicting the next token in a string of human-generated tokens (or
> synthesizing a string of tokens which humans cannot distinguish from a
> string generated by another human, in particular one with the proverbial
> 10,000 hours of specialized training).   The fact that or "ologies" tend to
> be recorded and organized as knowledge structures and in fact usually
> *propogated* (taught/learnt) by the same makes us want to believe (some of
> us) that hidden inside these LLMs are precisely the same "ologies" we
> encode in our myriad textbooks and professional journal articles?
> I think one of the questions that remains present within this group's
> continued 'gurgitations is whether the organizations we have conjured are
> particularly special, or just one of an infinitude of superposed
> alternative formulations?   And whether some of those formulations are
> acutely occult and/or abstract and whether the existing (accepted)
> formulations (e.g. Western Philosophy and Science, etc) are uniquely (and
> exclusively or at least optimally) capable of capturing/describing what is
> "really real" (nod to George Berkeley).
> Some here (self included) may often suggest that such formulation is at
> best a coincidence of history and as well as it "covers" a description of
> "reality", it is by circumstance and probably by abstract conception ("all
> models are wrong...") incomplete and in error.  But nevertheless still
> useful...
> Maybe another way of reframing Nick's question (on a tangent) is to ask
> whether the Barsoomians had their own Aristotle to conceive of
> Categories?   Or did they train their telescopes on ancient Greece and
> learn Latin Lip Reading and adopt one or more the Greek's philosophical
> traditions?  And then, did the gas-balloon creatures floating in the
> atmosphere-substance of Jupiter observe the Martians' who had observed the
> Greeks and thereby come up with their own Categories.   Maybe it was those
> creatures who beamed these abstractions straight into the neural tissue of
> the Aristotelians and Platonists?   Do gas-balloon creatures even have
> solids to be conceived of as Platonic?  And are they missing out if they
> don't?  Do they have their own Edwin Abbot Abbot?   And what would the
> Cheela <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon%27s_Egg> say?
> My dog and the rock squirrels he chases want to know... so do the cholla
> cactus fruits/segments they hoard in their nests!
> Mumble,
>  - Steve
> On 2/16/23 5:37 AM, Santafe wrote:
> It’s the tiniest and most idiosyncratic take on this question, but FWIW, 
> here:https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1520752113
> I actually think that all of what Nick says below is a perfectly good draft 
> of a POV.
> As to whether animals “have” categories: Spend time with a dog.  Doesn’t take 
> very much time.  Their interest in conspecifics is (ahem) categorically 
> different from their interest in people, different than to squirrels, 
> different than to cats, different than to snakes.
> For me to even say that seems like cueing a narcissism of small differences, 
> when overwhelmingly, their behavior is structured around categories, as is 
> everyone else’s.  Squirrels don’t mistake acorns for birds of prey.  Or for 
> the tree limbs and house roofs one can jump onto.  Or for other squirrels.  
> It’s all categories.  Behavior is an operation on categories.
> I found it interesting that you invoked “nouns” as a framework that is 
> helpful but sometimes obstructive.  One might just have said “words”.  This 
> is interesting to me already, because my syntactician friends will tell you 
> that a noun is not, as we were taught as children, a “word for a person, 
> place, or thing”, but rather a “word in a language that transforms as nouns 
> transform in that language”, which is a bit of an obfuscation, since they do 
> have in common that they are in some way “object-words”.  But from the 
> polysemy and synonymy perspective, we see that “meanings” cross the noun-verb 
> syntactic distinction quite frequently for some categories.  Eye/see, 
> ear/hear, moon/shine, and stuff like that.  My typologist friends tell me 
> that is common but particular to some meanings much more than others.
> Another fun thing I was told by Ted Chiang a few months ago, which I was 
> amazed I had not heard from linguists, and still want to hold in reserve 
> until I can check it further.  He says that languages without written forms 
> do not have a word for “word”.  If true, that seems very interesting and 
> important.  If Chiang believes it to be true, it is probably already a strong 
> enough regularity to be more-or-less true, and thus still interesting and 
> important.
> Eric
> On Feb 15, 2023, at 1:19 PM, <thompnicks...@gmail.com> 
> <thompnicks...@gmail.com> <thompnicks...@gmail.com> <thompnicks...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> FWiW, I willmake every effort to arrive fed to Thuam by 10.30 Mountain.  I 
> want to hear the experts among you hold forth on WTF a cateogory actually IS. 
>  I am thinking (duh) that a category is a more or less diffuse node in a 
> network of associations (signs, if you must).  Hence they constitute a vast 
> table of what goes with what, what is predictable from what, etc.  This 
> accommodates “family resemblance”  quite nicely.  Do I think animals have 
> categories, in this sense, ABSOLUTELY EFFING YES. Does this make me a 
> (shudder) nominalist?  I hope not.
> Words…nouns in particular… confuse this category business.  Words place 
> constraints on how vague these nodes can be.   They impose on the network 
> constraints to which it is ill suited.  True, the more my associations with 
> “horse” line up with your associations with “horse”, the more true the horse 
> seems.  Following Peirce, I would say that where our nodes increasingly 
> correspond with increasing shared experience, we have evidence ot the 
> (ultimate) truth of the nodes, their “reality” in Peirce’s terms.  Here is 
> where I am striving to hang on to Peirce’s realism.
> The reason I want the geeks to participate tomorrow is that I keep thinking 
> of a semantic webby thing that Steve devised for the Institute about a decade 
> ago.   Now a semantic web would be a kind of metaphor for an associative web; 
> don’t associate with other words in exactly the same manner in which 
> experiences associate with other experiences.  Still, I think the metaphor is 
> interesting.  Also, I am kind of re-interested in my “authorial voice”, how 
> much it operates like cbt.
> Rushing,
> Nick
> From: Friam <friam-boun...@redfish.com> <friam-boun...@redfish.com> On Behalf 
> Of Eric Charles
> Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 10:29 AM
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <friam@redfish.com> 
> <friam@redfish.com>
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Thuram still happening?
> Well shoot..... that would do it.... Thank you!
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 12:28 PM Frank Wimberly <wimber...@gmail.com> 
> <wimber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Today is Wednesday, isn't it?
> ---
> Frank C. Wimberly
> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
> Santa Fe, NM 87505
> 505 670-9918
> Santa Fe, NM
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2023, 10:19 AM Eric Charles <eric.phillip.char...@gmail.com> 
> <eric.phillip.char...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are the Thursday online meetings still happening? I missed a few weeks due to 
> work piling up meetings on, but I'm trying to log in now, and it looks like 
> the meeting hasn't started.
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