The biggest not-accounted-for cost is human. All those kids in lithium mines 
earning 12 cents a day.


On Thu, Feb 23, 2023, at 3:41 AM, Santafe wrote:
> There is a skewness in the various analyses of these things (in the 
> sense of two lines of non-common direction embedded in enough 
> dimensions that they never meet) that makes the various claims unusable 
> unless one will not be lazy.  That puts it out of my reach.
> Rees, Seibert, and the others, have their nice 1-page digestable list 
> of slogans why “It’s all Bullshit!”.  There they talk about how 
> obviously wind and solar power are _Just NOT_ sustainable, because they 
> are carried to the site by fossil-fuel-powered trucks.  And similar 
> sort of qualitative no-go claims.
> In a brief luxury of house-cleaning following what seemed to be months 
> of continuous crises, I was catching up on some older reading on 
> figures of merit for various energy technologies, and got, by various 
> routes, to the claim that the embodied energy of solar PV is about 
> 3kWh/Wp, where Wp = “watt produced”.  So one is looking at about 3000 
> hours before the power delievered is over-and-above replacement.  
> People estimate that, in calendar time, that translates to values 
> between 1 and 6 years or so, for a product that should have about a 
> 20-year lifecycle.  Now, that embodied energy estimate came from 
> somewhere, and the people producing it were probably not oil company 
> shills.  So does it include Bill Rees’s oil-powered truck, or not?  
> Meaning, does he just throw it all into the dustbin with a wave of 
> common sense, or is he being lazy and neither following through an 
> argument nor admitting what would be needed to follow it through, and 
> estimating how far we are from that.
> Apparently, there are various “Scopes” of power consumption that go 
> into sustainability reporting law.  I won’t remember them properly, but 
> Scope 1 is something like your own power consumed in manufacturing; 
> Scope 2 is some measure of power used by others either before or after 
> (sorry; not time to go find this now), and Scope 3 is the whole 
> supply-line analysis, prorated for the part you use.  I look at Scope 
> 3, and it looks like hard accounting to do, but I don’t know if that 
> means it is a pipe dream, or if usable approximations are available for 
> certain domains.  (U. Exeter I think tries to contribute such data, or 
> collaborate with companies that do.)  
> The recursion, which is a tree, seems easy enough to visualize (as in a 
> SFe bumper sticker).  If you don’t like the oil-powered truck, replace 
> it with a non-oil-powered truck.  What is the embodied energy of the 
> replacement, prorated over all the things it will haul, and what is the 
> operating energy cost of this task.  And then so on for the factory 
> that builds the truck, the mining machinery that extracts any new ores, 
> or the recycling plant that salvages retired materials, etc.  When 
> people estimate embodied energy costs for this or that technology, are 
> they putting in some defensible estimate or placeholder for this 
> recursion, or not?  Seems like a simple enough question to ask.  But I 
> spend time in conversations with people who do this (not a _ton_ of 
> time, but a little), and I don’t know the answer.
> I understand, also (since it is obvious), that just an energy 
> accounting is only a baseline for constraint.  There is then the much 
> harder and more detailed accounting of whether you have a process for 
> each step.  So, for example: There’s a minimum chemical free energy 
> cost to separate the rare earth dopants from silicon to recycle a 
> retired solar cell, which will need to become the process once the 
> high-grade ores are not available, but do you have a process that 
> performs that extraction and purification?  Stuff like that.  That 
> becomes all the labor-intensive “industrial ecology” research (I think 
> they call it) to try to turn some of the sloganeering into usable 
> inputs for a designer.
> Thanks Steve for forwarding the LtG plots.  I read that one too.  They 
> are trying to bypass the detailed industrial ecology, and hope that 
> within some number of orders of magnitude, they can do something like a 
> conserved-quantity bound on what is possible by any process.  The 
> economists have, since the original came out, tried to dismiss that 
> line of reasoning (again with a hand-wave), by claiming that one 
> doesn’t know about conservation laws between rates and quantities, and 
> since LtG hasn’t accounted for “human innovation”, they can safely be 
> ignored.  Of course, I understand that that argument is not only pretty 
> sure to be wrong (and provably wrong for a few simple cases where I 
> know how to calculate), but also made in either bad faith or laziness.  
> But the question it begs is: what can we prove is unreachable by any 
> level of innovation, for the same reasons perpetual motion machines are 
> impossible?  Those rate/state no-go theorems are a lot harder to prove. 
> Eric
>> On Feb 22, 2023, at 6:16 PM, Russell Standish <> wrote:
>> I did a calculation based on a steady growth rate followed by
>> extinction and anthropic reasoning (aka as the "doomsday argument"),
>> and came up with a 50% chance of population collapse by 2100. This was
>> based on 2005 population figures. See appendix B of my book "Theory of
>> Nothing". I haven't bothered publishing that study elsewhere.
>> Of course - the steady growth rate assumption is extreme. We know that
>> the population growth rate is decreasing, with the inflection point a
>> couple of decades ago. On current demographics, the earth's population
>> will peak around 2070, and then go into a bit of decline, with some
>> countries such as China going into reverse considerably sooner (eg I
>> believe 2030s is the current prediction for China to start having a
>> declining population).
>> Natural population decline due to declining fertility is much
>> preferable to a hard extinction extinction, of course, particular on a
>> century timescale. So we should live with the fact that we may not
>> have any grandchildren/great grandchildren whatever your stage of life
>> is. I'm already comfortable with that - I doubt I'll have any
>> grandchildren :).
>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 03:10:45PM -0700, Gillian Densmore wrote:
>>> WTF, how are they coming up with these numbers? I know it sucks a whales 
>>> ******
>>> these days to make friends. Much less a GF (or BF).  But something aint 
>>> adding
>>> up here. Did they ask both people in the relationship?
>>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 3:04 PM Steve Smith <> wrote:
>>>    In a very limited and somewhat ad-hoc (latin hypercube of 10 samples of 5
>>>    variables) ensemble study (100,000 samples) I did with an NREL colleague 
>>> in
>>>    2019 using the World3 Model  we found a very ad-hoc observation that 
>>> among
>>>    the various ideas of what was a "good outcome" in 2100 (like GDP/person 
>>> or
>>>    other vernacular ideas of "quality of life") that virtually *all* of them
>>>    involved a sooner-rather-than-later population collapse.  
>>>    To the extent that Modeling (in general), SD modeling more particularly 
>>> and
>>>    the World3 model in particular I wasn't very inclined to take the
>>>    quantitative results of any of very seriously but it was an interesting
>>>    (but unsurprising) qualitative result?
>>>    For anyone interested in an interactive web implementation to dork with
>>>    yourself:
>>>    The-World3-Model-Classic-World-Simulation
>>>    FWIW I dorked around with it in honor of Jimmy Carter's recent admission 
>>> to
>>>    a hospice program... looking at what it might have meant if we'd followed
>>>    his lead back around 1978.   Worth noting, I (foolishly by hindsight)
>>>    helped run him out of town to be replaced with Ronnie Raygun ...   "drill
>>>    baby drill, burn baby burn!"
>>>    And an excerpt from a recent (2020) update synopsis of the Limits to 
>>> Growth
>>>    project/idea/model/results:
>>>    [cid]
>>>    Worth noting:  The population drops in BAU/BAU2 (Biznezz as Usual)
>>>    represent increased death rates rather than reduced fertility rates.
>>>    The bigger (or smaller by another measure) question of what decisions
>>>    anyone of us might make (for ourselves, our progeny, our friends, 
>>> whatever
>>>    policy-making is in our jurisdiction, in our imagination) is a much
>>>    trickier one based on myriad principles/values that likely few of us 
>>> share
>>>    unless we choose a high dimension-reduction strategy (e.g. single-issue
>>>    conception).    My parents were overtly ZPG advocates and I have one 
>>> sister
>>>    which lead me to feel plenty "done" after 2 children myself.   Each of 
>>> my 2
>>>    have chosen to only have 1.  Many of my friends have chosen to be
>>>    childless.  Most of my peers who were from large sibling groups have at
>>>    best a replacement cohort among their children and nieces/nephews which 
>>> are
>>>    headed toward a NPG in the following generation.
>>>    My current heuristic is that if I want my grandchildren to reproduce, I
>>>    need to get out of the way which means unless their other grandparents
>>>    don't have the grace of knocking off by the time they want to do that, 
>>> then
>>>    it is up to me... no open-ended life-extension unless I expect to leave 
>>> the
>>>    planet (hear my pain Elon?)   I don't think the World3 has been updated 
>>> to
>>>    be a Sol model and even considering it really challenges the very 
>>> structure
>>>    /concept of the World3 SD model!  
>>>    Most of the population growth models I've run into suggest that we might 
>>> be
>>>    on our way to(ward) ZPG with many regions going into NPG, but not until 
>>> we
>>>    pass 10B.  I don't know that *any* of them factor in the non-linear 
>>> effects
>>>    of possible/likely runaway global warming or species collapse.
>>>    [467px-World_population_]
>>>    On 2/22/23 11:53 AM, Santafe wrote:
>>>        Yeah.  Bill Rees and Meghan Seibert want 90% of us to die
>>>        (or a position paper somewhere in their writings).
>>>        On their people page, you can see what happy ecologists they are, 
>>> and BIll is a friendly old grandfather with a beard.
>>>        I shouldn’t be snotty.  I think they are actually very tortured 
>>> about their dictum that 90% of us should die.  And I think in some sense 
>>> they are committed, good people.
>>>        But I put them up here, because somehow people collapsing under 
>>> decades of frustration seem to develop a misanthropy that causes them to 
>>> forget It’s Not All About You (and how tortured you are, being the only 
>>> truth-teller in a lonely world).  If you really care about the thing you 
>>> say, then it should eclipse your own self-importance enough that you just 
>>> stay focused on the task.
>>>        I don’t know in how far their positions turn out to represent solid 
>>> numbers.  Maybe some part of it.  But I have said that before.
>>>        Eric
>>>            On Feb 22, 2023, at 1:06 PM, Gary Schiltz 
>>> <> wrote:
>>>            A few really do want our species to go extinct, but many believe 
>>> that we are already overpopulated and need to level off or reduce 
>>> population. I lean only slightly toward the latter.
>>>            On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 12:51 PM Frank Wimberly 
>>> <> wrote:
>>>            Agreed.  But if we don't construct any new ones and the existing 
>>> ones all die (they will) we will run out.  Is that a reasonable goal?
>>>            On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 10:20 AM glen <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>            We do not need more people. We have plenty of people. Please 
>>> stop constructing people. >8^D
>>>            On 2/22/23 09:16, Frank Wimberly wrote:
>>>                I am worried however.  I have two grandsons in their 20s.  
>>> Each has a girlfriend.  Those young women want nothing to do with babies.  
>>> I assume they have younger siblings.  I hope that as they enter their 30s 
>>> their attitudes will change because of the realization that they are 
>>> running out of time.
>>>                ---
>>>                Frank C. Wimberly
>>>                140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
>>>                Santa Fe, NM 87505
>>>                505 670-9918
>>>                Santa Fe, NM
>>>                On Wed, Feb 22, 2023, 10:08 AM Santafe < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>                    I think the keyword was young.
>>>                    You can do that if the old men are all married to young 
>>> women.
>>>> On Feb 22, 2023, at 12:02 PM, Nicholas Thompson < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Last time I checked, the average number of attached males has to equal the 
>>>> average number of attached females, unless, of course, females, feel 
>>>> attached to men who don’t feel attached.
>>>> Sent from my Dumb Phone
>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: The Hill < 
>>>> <>>
>>>> Date: February 22, 2023 at 7:01:34 AM MST
>>>> To: <>
>>>> Subject: [EXT] News Alert: Most young men are single. Most young women are 
>>>> not.
>>>> Reply-To: <>
>>>> View Online
>>>> Most young men are single. Most young women are not.
>>>> More than 60 percent of young men are single, nearly twice the rate of 
>>>> unattached young women, signaling a larger breakdown in the social, 
>>>> romantic and sexual life of the American male.
>>>> Read the full story here.
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>>>            140 Calle Ojo Feliz
>>>            Santa Fe, NM 87505
>>>            505 670-9918
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>> Dr Russell Standish                    Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
>> Principal, High Performance Coders
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